Welcome to Ukraine's Next Top Model!

Satu lagi nih model competition yang diadaptasi dari Tyra Banks's America's Next Top Model sekaligus memperbesar keluarga Next Top Model Franchise, Supermodel Po-Ukrainski atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Ukraine's Next Top Model. Blog ini sedikit telat sebenarnya karena UkNTM telah dimulai sejak 29 Agustus lalu dan diputar di channel Novyi Kanal. Walaupun UkNTM termasuk sebagai keluarga dari NTM franchise tapi UkNTM sendiri mengambil format dari versi spanish yaitu Supermodelo.

Posisi host and head judge dipegang oleh top model Ukraine yang saat ini tengah naik daun, Alla Kostromichova, high fashion goddess yang baru saja berhasil mendapatkan campaign untuk Herve Leger by Max Aria untuk koleksi spring/summer 2014 dan mukanya telah menghiasi berbagai cover high fashion magaine di segala penjuru dunia seperti Vogue Ukraine, Harper's Baaar Mexico, Latin America dan Vietnam, Marie Claire UK, L'Offieciel Italia dan lain-lain. 

Alla Kostromichova - Host of UkNTM
Ms Alla tidak sendiri, untuk posisi judge ia ditemani oleh Sergei Nikityuk (model scout), Sonya Plakidyuk (fashion photographer) dan Richard Upper (fashion director).

Richard Upper

Sergei Nikityuk

Sonya Plakidyuk
UkNTM sendiri sudah menyelesaikan proses audisi sejak pertengahan 2014 dan dari 5 kota besar Ukraine seperti Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk dan Donestk terjaring 200 calon model dan 30 diantaranya masuk ke babak semifinal casting, Dan dari 30 terpilihlah 15 calon peraih predikat Ukraine's Next Top Model... inilah mereka...

Alena Ruban
19yo - 175cm - Dnepropetrosvk
Mahasiswi English Linguistics and Literature, also studying Italian and French. Alena memiliki 2 tahun pengalaman sebagai model seperti membintangi beberapa commercials, participated in shows and photo shoots. Miranda Kerr adalah model idolanya dan Alena memiliki impian untuk menjadi cover model majalah-majalah terkenal di Eropa. 
Anastasia Morozova
16yo - 174cm - Kiev
Artisik Anastasia adalah lulusan dari art school. Walaupun Anastasia suka menggambar tattoo tapi sebenarnya ia sangat takut dengan hewan yang beracun seperti snakes and spiders. She's don't have any experience in modeling tapi ia memiliki banyak mimpi dan berharap meraih sukses di masa depan. 

Anna-Christina Prihodko
20yo - 175cm - Iviv
She studied in the hair stylist school, but does not work in the profession and she want to get higher education. Anna-Christina meniliki ketertarikan di bidang tari dan psycologi. During the filming of the project she wants to become more confident in her selves and find her place in life.

Anna Nagornaya
20yo - 175cm - Chark'ov
Get a degree in "Business Administration". Di waktu senggang nya Anna suka melukis dan mengendarai kuda. Model idolanya adalah para "Angel" dari Victoria's Secret show. Anna memiliki beberapa pengalaman di dunia televisi seperti shooting in TV projects, leading work, participated dan ia pun pernah memenangkan beauty contests.

Darina Tabachnik
22yo - 180cm - Bucha
A young mother. Darina telah mencoba beberapa kali ikut casting untuk menjadi model sayangnya ia belum meraih sukses hingga saat ini. Ia berharap UkNTM adalah jalan untuk meraih impiannya sebagai model

Debora Minaeva
28yo - 176cm - Odessa
Deborah raise in a large family. She has three younger brothers and two sisters. Debora menyukai olahraga sejak kecil seperti athletic dan juga basketball. Ia tidak memiliki pengalaman modeling namun ia berharap dapat sukses secara mandiri di masa depan.

Elena Radchenko
19yo - 169cm - Donetsk
Elena takut akan ketinggian dan ia adalah gadis yang sangat artistik mulai dari koreografi, menari, menyanyi dan juga menulis lagu. 

Irina Zhuravleva
17yo - 173cm - Alushta
Irina enjoys swimming and has 6 years of experience in belly dancing. Loves to be photographed. Considers that the model does not have to be skinny, she wants to prove that girls can work with forms models "plus" and build a successful career.

Karina Danilova
20yo - 175cm - Kriviy Rih
Karina enjoys swimming. Afraid of heights and cockroaches. Engaged modeling for 2 years. Her idol in the world of fashion - Kate Moss. Her dream is to become a famous model and open an animal shelter.

Karina Minaeva
23yo - 176cm - Evpatoria
Transgender. She graduated from the Medical College, but realized that working in the specialty wants. She is fond of cooking and singing. She wants to show everyone that transgenders are not outcasts of society. They can conquer podiums and achieve success in different areas of life.

Tatiana Brik
16yo - 178cm - Nikolaev
Tatiana 4 years of experience in dance, loves the stage and likes to be the center of attention. She has experience as a model in Malaysia: shot for several magazines. At the show wants to have new experiences and meet interesting people. Prove to everyone that the work model is very complex, and not all the strength to cope with it. 

Valeria Koshirieva
19yo - 177cm - Nikolaev
Valery studies on philologist, studying foreign languages ​​and literature. Her hobbies are drawing, photography, writing poetry and short stories. She has experience working model in France: shot for magazines and participated in the show. Not willing to change hair color and appear topless.

Vlada Pecherizina
17yo - 174cm - Donestk
Vlada graduated from music school for violin and piano. And by age 10 she engaged in dancing and articipated in the "Mini Miss Ukraine 2010", which took third place. Her dream is to become a successful, prosperous and happy.

Vlada Rogovenko
19yo - 157cm - Dnepropetrosvk
She's proud of her height and she likes to be photographed. Vlada ready to appear topless. She considers herself a talented in everything. She dreams to appear on the cover of the Playboy magazine.

Yana Gribacheva
16yo - 175cm - Odessa
Yana have experience in modeling for 4 years. She shooting in magazines, participation in shows. She plans to enter the theater of the University and her dream is becoming an artist.

Great start for Ukraine's Next Top Model and overall the cast looks great, for now i like Yana, Tatiana, Vlada P, Valeria,Karina D & Anastasia's look. But i hate most of them because they background story look like they not really into modeling but more an actress and UkNTM are their step to become celebrities.. However hopefully this show produce great show and crown a winner that really want to be a successful model... 

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