ANTM Cycle 21 5th Episode : Black Widow Fragrance Commercial

Original Airdate : September 15, 2014
Back at the top model house, the contestants marvel over Ben's photo before heading off to bed. As part of having won best picture, Ben opts to take Adam with him to the Tyra Suite. Despite having a boyfriend back home, Mirjana continues her flirtatious behavior with Denzel. Romeo feels like an outcast because everyone in the house seems to get along, except for him.
The following day, Tyra teaches the models about being sexy for a commercial before they asked to practice what they have learned. Raelia, Keith, and Will shine during the practice run, while Adam struggles to find the correct movement. Tyra evidently becomes irritated after Lenox gives up in the middle of her practice session.
The next Morning, Yu Tsai wakes up the models and reveals that they will be doing a commercial in pairs for a fragrance, Spyder Byte with the women embodying black widow spiders and the men posing as their victims.

Matthew & Will

Keith & Mirjana

Adam & Shei

Denzel & Kari

Ben & Raelia

Lenox & Romeo

At the shoot, Will, Matthew, Keith, Mirjana, Romeo, and Raelia excel. Denzel and Kari struggle at finding chemistry with each other, and Denzel becomes distracted by Mirjana, who is giving all her attention to Keith. Lenox struggles to embody the sexual character, while Adam struggles with movement once again.
Back at the house, the contestants celebrate Romeo's birthday.
Most of the contestants are surprised at how personable Romeo is being with everyone. Adam retires after a while, as do a majority of the contestants. After having become drunk, Romeo staggers into the Tyra Suite before being blocked by Adam. They playfully exchange words before Romeo suddenly becomes combative towards Adam. The two exchange threats, with Romeo goading Adam to hit him and Adam trying to get Romeo back to his room. It eventually ends with Romeo headbutting Adam on the side of the face before he is restrained by the producers. The following day, Romeo is still berating Adam, while Adam refuses to argue with him.
The models later meet up with Yu and Ms. J for a runway challenge. Before the challenge can commence, Yu and Ms. J immediately state that because of a no physical altercation policy, Romeo has been disqualified from the competition due to the events that had taken place the previous night. He is asked to leave immediately, much to his shock and dismay.
  • Disqualified: Romeo Tostado
Mirjana struggles backstage during practice, but excels on the runway. Raelia falls before making her entrance. Ben, Will and Mirjana are praised for their performances. Ben is ultimately declared as the challenge winner.
At panel Adam is commended for taking the high road in the confrontation between him and Romeo. He is also congratulated on his improvement during the week, but is chastised for his walk. Shei, Kari, Denzel, Keith and Lenox all receive negative feedback. Will and Raelia both receive a high level of praise. In a top model first, Lenox becomes the first contestant to receive a 1 from Tyra for not having taken the commercial seriously and neglecting the time she was given to practice what she had been taught.
Will's performance at the shoot earns him best picture, while Adam and Lenox are revealed to be the bottom two. After the final scores roll, Lenox is eliminated from the competition. Immediately after reprimanding Lenox, Tyra reveals that due to Romeo's disqualification, Lenox will be allowed to stay. As a punishment for having had the lowest score, she is given only five frames for the following shoot.

First call out : Will
Call out order : Raelia, Keith, Mirjana, Matthew, Shei, Denel, Kari, Ben
Bottom two : Lenox & Adam
Eliminated : Lenox, but but was allowed to stay due to the vacant slot left by Romeo after he was disqualified.

Comeback Series



Thanks for wikipedia & MinWoo!

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