KNTM Cycle 5 5th Episode : Flying Fabric Full Body & Beauty Shots

Original Airdate : September 13, 2014

Photo Shoot : Flying Fabric Full Body & Beauty Shots
Han Ji An was eliminated outside of judging panel

Bahng Tae Eun

 He looks good but i think he need more energy because his close up looks a bit lifeless... a bit disappointed with him this week especially after how well he moved in the hydrant water shoot

Choi Jeong Jin

I like his close up... a bit too much in his full body shot but at least he's trying..

Han Seung Soo

 His face is so strong and unique!! but his full body shot a bit disappointed for me although his face look great he just standing straight there... he need more movement...

Hwang Kibbeum

 This might've been the best close up if her face wasn't covered up by her hair! And that curly style really ruin this photo... i don't know why the judges choose this because she has more gorgeous photo in her B-Cut..

Hyeon Ji Eun

 I love her full body shot.. she looks like a fairy... almost has the best close up and full body shot overall..

Jeong Yong Soo

I think he has the best body movement all out of the boys... And his close up looks great too..
Kim Jong Hoon

he gets lost in the fabric but it makes for a cool visual, I guess... And love his close up, i think it's his best photo by far... Unfortunately his photo was a fluke because his B-Cut look disaster... He lost in the fabric

Kim Min Jung

She look gorgeous! I love her close up!! Stunning performance yet underated by judges...

Kim Seung Hee

A bit bland in her beauty shot but still great and i think better than a few boys...

Kim Yae Lim

 Stunning! i Love her expression in the full body shot... face in close up is bit round but i adore her intensity and emotion in her eyes! underated... :(

Lee Cheol Woo

He's done well but  i think other model do better...

First call out : Kibbeum & Seung Soo
Call out order : Cheol Woo, Jeong Jin, Yong Soo, Ji Eun, Min Jung, Jong Hoon, Tae Eun,
Bottom two : Seung Hee & Yae Lim
Eliminated : Seung Hee

Stunning shot! The photoshoot is definitely very crisp and visually beautiful to look at.. I think this set is one my favorite KNTM shot... I think girls performance was stronger than boys... The boys kinda  let the fabric do all the work while they didn't bring anything else into the picture especially in the full body shot.. But the girls really underated by the judges.. I love Kibbeum and Seung Soo's close up photo but i think Min Jung, Ji Eun and Yae Lim had overall best photo and Seung Hee not the worst either..

My call out order : Min Jung, Ji Eun, Yae Lim, Seung Soo, Yong Soo, Kibbeum, Tae Eun, Jong Hoon, Seung Hee, Cheol Woo & Jeong Jin (out) 

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