ANTM Cycle 21 3rd Episode : Wild and Wet Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : September 1, 2014

ANTM cycle 21 opening

Lanjut dari episode sebelumnya, para  model bakal menghadapi tantangan pertama mereka... Yup! the string fashion show! Sebelum challenge dimulai Ms. J  mengenalkan mereka kepada director of NEXT models, Alexis Borges yang juga akan menjadi juri pada tantangan kali ini dan juga akan menentukan siapa yang menjadi pemenang. When the models get ready to show their skins, Will is nervous about the challenge due to his insecurities about his body, while Adam is overconfident.. wouldn't be surprise because he's already told us last week that he's more attractive than 95% of the population... LOL! Denzel mengakui kalo Kari membuat lututnya lemas dengan kecantikannya dan kita juga bisa melihat ada chemistry yang hadir antara Matthew and Mirjana... love is in the air...

Keith is the first to walk. Para juri setuju kalo Keith mengingatkan mereka dengan Tyson Beckford. Kemudian Adam yang errr... so bad! and Miss J says she'd like to put her foot up his ass!! Tell him Miss J!! Kari gets a little claustrophobic, Chantelle is fierce and Ivy looks like she's an '80s flashback and not in a good way. 

Setelah challenge selesai, Alexis memberi saran dan kritikan kepada para model and Alexis points out Adam and Ivy as having been the worst, with Alexis saying he would never book Ivy. Alexis juga memberi kritik kepada Adam yang sepertinya ga serius dalam kompetisi ini. Alexis memilih Chantelle dan Keith sebagai yang terbaik dari tantangan runway kali ini. And Keith is chosen as the challenge winner, and is allowed to stay in the Tyra Suite with any contestant of his choosing until the elimination ceremony. Dan Keith memilih Kari sebagai teman tidurnya malam ini... hmmm... 

Their new model house was huge!! Kali ini rumah mereka dihiasi tidak hanya dengan foto-foto Tyra tapi juga weather-themed decoration seperti kata-kata "BoochBliard, Chiknado and StudStorm" wtf Tyra??! And we also have a Tyra quote scrawled across one wall: "Beauty is in the smize of the beholder." Tidak lama mereka juga dapat melihat skor dari challenge yang baru saja mereka selesaikan, Ivy and Adam find their names last on the leader board, with a challenge score of 6. Keith membuat iri model lainnya ketika ia menunjukkan Tyra Suite which has a huge bed, a private bath and two balconies yang akan digunakannya bersama Kari malam ini, they cuddle but don't fool around. "This is calledAmerica's Next Top Model," says Kari, Not America's Find the Next Lover Show. Ga hanya Keith dan Kari yang bobo bareng tapi juga Matthew and Mirjana. Tapi akhirnya Matthew tahu kalo Mirjana punya boyfriend walaupun katanya sih hubungan mereka ga baik... but much to his disappointment and he so shock.. poor him..

Hari berikutnya para finalist bertemu Tyra and Yu Tsai untuk photo shoot pertama mereka. dimana mereka akan disiram dengan air (well Tyra can predict the future!! she predict ice bucket challenge long before LOL!!) dan tidak hanya untuk photo shoot mereka juga akan membuat video untuk opening credit (yeaayyy!!). After Tyra films her parts, the models take their turns. Will ultimately struggles with his insecurities about his body once again, while Mirjana is chastised for looking too sexy. Raelia sedikit trauma karena pernah tenggelam ketika ia masih kecil dan Ivy bermasalah dengan suhu yang sangat dingin. Keith, Romeo, Kari, and Lenox receive praise during their session.

As the contestants arrive back home, they find elimination mail. Adam begins to drink. Once he is inebriated, Mirjana suggests that he stop, which leads to tensions between Adam and Mirjana. Matthew, still feeling hurt about Mirjana having a boyfriend, defends Adam, much to Mirjana's surprise.

Photo Shoot : Wild and Wet in BW

First call out

Great photo and his face look so stunning, he looks like working model here...

Call out order

Really strong face.. i love her bone structure... she nailed this shot!
I'm happy they choose this photo because it's not overly sexy and still fashion! she looks gorgeous! i get Angelina Jolie vibes from her in this photo... 
Simple but it works! he looks sexy and looks like real underwear ads...
I agree with the judges that Denzel is told that his body might be too muscular for fashion.
i like the dramatic moment and it feels genuine and not forced... well done miss...
Looks good but nothing wow for me.. face could've been better...
Weakest guy... Overdone, weird pose for simple photo shoot... next...
Stunning face but i wish she make more angle with her body because it's look flat...
He looks good and I quite like the final result but still he need to more serious in the competition...
weakest photo in my opinion... she looks unprepared and uncomfortable...
She need more energy... weak face...

Bottom two

I love the final result... Quirky face and he thinks out of the box and not going sexy route like other model.. but unfortunately he struggle this week...


Great pose and banging body! Face looks weak and unfortunately she underperformed this week...

Yeah Ivy and Will was really underperformed but i think their photo was better than Raelia, Shei and Romeo. So sad that my two stunning blonde get bottom two on the first week... Good episode with great photo shoot, great challenge and drama... can't wait for next episode :D

My call out order : Mirjana, Lenox, Keith, Matthew, Will, Chantelle, Ben, Kari, Denel, Ivy, Adam, Shei, Raelia & Romeo (out)

1 comment :

  1. Better Callout
    1. Keith
    2. Matthew
    3 Lenox
    4 Mirjana
    5 Chantelle
    6 Ben
    7 Denzel
    8 Kari
    9 Romeo
    10 shei
    11 adam
    12 Raelia
    13 Ivy
    X = WILL


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