UkrNTM Cycle 1 3rd Episode : Construction Workers Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : September 12, 2014

Photo Shoot : Construction Workers

 Cheesy smile...

  Looks like stock photo...

 She looks good and not forgot to modeling...

 Too sexy... but at least she's still modeling


Again looks like stock photo...

 LOL!! Iconic Shot!

Karina D
 Even with her weird expression she looks modelesque...

Karina M
 Beautiful but too manly and her proportions looks weird

She's doing well but she can do better...

 Stunning face!

Vlada P
 Stock photo again...

Vlada R
 She looks like a midget...

Stunning face and great intention!!!! Yana slay this week!

The contestants are not called in order of merit. Instead, they are asked to enter one of two doors after their names are drawn randomly and they are judged individually at panel. The first room contains all the contestants deemed safe. The second room is empty, and only the eliminated contestant is asked to enter it.

Winner Photo : Tatiana
Safe : Yana, Karina D, Vlada R, Karina M, Anna Christina, Vlada P, Darina, Irina, Anastasia, Anna, Alena, Valeria
Eliminated : Debora
Weak performance by the girls but i don't blame them... Good idea but production team take the title too literally... They need to create some fashion maybe with the styling or the set... They made it this photo shoot looks like stock photo just search for smile beautiful construction workers or you can see them as engineering tools store brochure... I only like Yana, Valeria and Karina D and maybe Tatiana... the rest are...
My call out order : Yana, Valeria, Karina D, Tatiana, Anna Christina, Karina M, Anastasia, Alena, Anna, Vlada R, Vlada P, Debora, Irina & Darina (out).  

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