UkrNTM Cycle 1 5th Episode : Sport at the Gym Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : September 26, 2014

Photo Shoot : Sport at Gym
I don't know why but for some girls they not posted the actual photo that shown on panel..


Stunning face! and she looked much more better in the actual shot that they shown on panel... She looks beautiful, sexy but not cheap... Well done Alena...


Good body language but unfortunately her face looks so basic and fall flat...

Anna Christina

Looks great and fierce!


Great profile and i like the expression she bring... she keeps getting better..


Weak shot... Her body looks not good.. But her actual photo is better than this... She has stunning face on that one...

Karina D.

Not her best performance and actually a bit dissappointed after amazing photo last week.. But still better than some girls...

Karina M.

I think it's good photo and i like how sultry her expression here but the actual photo they shown was kinda weak... Her body looks manly on the other photo... i think it's a clear sabotage now that you see her other shot..


Finally she stand out! Her face looks really amazing and mesmerizing! But she need to tone her body because her hips looks so wide...


Gorgeous face! but again her body proportions looks really off... She need to toned her body or make it looks more curvier...

Vlada P

Wth?? Colombia's girls do it better!

Vlada R.

She looks good... She need to learn how to look more longer and lean...

Safe : Anna, Karina D, Tatiana, Irina, Valeria, Alena, Anna Christina, Vlada R, Darina, Vlada P
Eliminated : Karina M :(

So sad that Karina M gone, her photo was really good ... The judges said that she was on her limit and they didn't know what to do with her anymore... Yeah they need to more specific with Karina M because her body is still physically a male...

My call out order :  Alena, Tatiana, Anna Christina, Karina M, Darina, Karina D, Valeria, Vlada R, Irina, Anna, Vlada P (out)


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