Next Top Model Special : Fashion Week SS 2015 - New York

New York Fashion Week (which was then called "Press Week") adalah world's first ever organized fashion week yang pertama kali diadakan tahun 1943, dengan maksud untuk menarik perhatian publik dari French Fashion ketika World War II berlangsung, ketika para pelaku fashion industry kesulitan untuk travel ke Paris. Fashion publicist Eleanor Lambert organized an event she called "Press Week" to showcase American designers for fashion journalists, who had previously neglected their innovations. Press Week was a success, and fashion magazines like Vogue, which were normally filled with French designs, increasingly featured American fashion. 

New York Fashion Week consists of numerous branded events, including Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week New York and MADE Fashion Week, as well as numerous independent fashion productions around town. Sejak tahun 2009, banyak desainer yang melakukan presentasi dengan skala lebih kecil dan tidak mengadakan runway show dengan alasan masa sulit ekonomi pada saat itu.

Fashion week musim spring summer 2015 kembali diawali dengan kota New York dan sudah berlangsung sejak tanggal 4 sampai 11 September 2014 lalu dan beberapa alumnus dari Next Top Model franchise terlibat dalam perhelatan terbesar fashion ini. Siapa saja mereka? let's check it out!

Alisar - GNTM Cycle 5
Total Show(s) : 8
Alisar Ailabouni - Winner of Germany's Next Top Model cycle 5, musim kali ini Alisar berjalan untuk 8 show walaupun ia tidak direpresentasi oleh modeling agency besar berkat keunikan feature nya dan juga sebagai model regular dalam TV show project runway membuat namanya dikenal banyak orang.

Anna - DNTM Cycle 3
  Total Show(s) : 1
Anna Lundgaard - Denmark's Next Top Model Cycle 3, kembali sebagai runway model untuk Kate Spade. She still look so beautiful!

Bre - ANTM Cycle 5 & 17
Total Show(s) : 1
Bre Scullark - America's Next Top Model Cycle 5 & 17. Cukup menggembirakan melihat wajah-wajah alumni dari ANTM kembali meramaikan New York Fashion Week seperti Bre walaupun sepertinya saat ini ia adalah celebrity dan bukanlah model.

Brittani - ANTM Cycle 16
Total Show(s) : 2
Brittani Kline - America's Next Top Model Cycle 16, she keeps getting better! Brittani mampu berjalan dalam show besar sekelas Prabal Gurung bersama model-model kelas atas lainnya adalah kebanggaan tersendiri bagi die hard ANTM fans!

Cassi - AusNTM Cycle 5
Total Show(s) : 3
Cassi Van Den Dungen - Australia's Next Top Model Cycle 5, I expected more but still happy to see her embrace the runway... She looks so young on Edun show, fierce on Honor and looks so regal on The Row.

Celia - ANTM Cycle 12
Total Show(s) : 1
Celia Ammerman - America's Next Top Model Cycle 12, she still have it!

Danielle - ANTM Cycle 6
Total Show(s) : 3
Danielle Evans - America's Next Top Model Cycle 6. One of my favorite winner in ANTM history!! She still looks amaing after 8 years since she win the competition!

Don - ANTM Cycle 20
Total Show(s) : 1
Don Benjamin - America's Next Top Model Cycle 20. Glad to see models from cycle 20 get more job because only few of them who work as a model now.. He is one of the successful model from his cycle...

Fatima - ANTM Cycle 10
Total Show(s) : 1
Fatima Siad - America's Next Top Model Cycle 10. Sangat disayangkan Fatima hanya berjalan untuk 1 show saja pada musim SS 2015 ini. Semoga Fatima terlibat dalam campaign atau project besar sehingga ia tidak bisa fokus pada NYFW mengingat kesuksesannya dalam musim sebelumnya... She even didn't get showcard from IMG for this season...

Gabrielle - ANTM Cycle 14
Total Show(s) : 2
Gabrielle Kniery - America's Next Top Model Cycle 14. She looks great on the runway!

Hana - GNTM Cycle 2
Total Show(s) : 2
Hana Nitche - Germany's Next Top Model Cycle 2. The bombshell is back! Now she is celebrity though but she still look fabulous!

Isis - ANTM Cycle 11 & 17
Total Show(s) : 1
Isis King - America's Next Top Model Cycle 11 & 17. So happy to see her strut the runway but her styling is so horrible... she looks scary!

Jaslene - ANTM Cycle 8
Total Show(s) : 2
Jaslene Gonale - America's Next Top Model Cycle 8. Her body look stunning and she looks so elegant especially in Michael Costello show!

Josefin - SweNTM Cycle 6
Total Show(s) : 2
Josefin Gustafsson - Sweden's Next Top Model Cycle 6. Sayang sekali Josefin kurang bersinar seperti musim sebelumnya... Semoga ia bisa bangkit di kota-kota berikutnya.. You go girl!

Julia - YAAS Cycle 1
Total Show(s) : 2
Julia Oleynik - You Are a Supermodel Cycle 1. She still look young and fresh even after 10 years since she's join the competition!

Katya - RuNTM Cycle 4
Total Show(s) : 9
Katya Grigorieva - Russia's Next Top Model Cycle 4. She slays the runway! Top Model in the making! She's walk for 9 big class A shows!! She got all she need to be on top! Supermodel look & killer runway!

Keith - ANTM Cycle 21

Total Show(s) : 1
Keith Carlos - America's Next Top Model Cycle 21. Glad to see him got booked and walk for New York Fashion Week... Is it some kind a  clue that he win the competition...??

Leandra - GNTM Cycle 8

Total Show(s) : 10
Leandra Martin - Germany's Next Top Model Cycle 8. Surprise to see her! Debut yang cukup baik dengan 10 show ia berhasil dapatkan di musim pertamanya.
Meaghan - CNTM Cycle 3
Total Show(s) : 7
Meaghan Waller - Canada's Next Top Model Cycle 3. Pemenang terakhir sebelum akhirnya show ini di cancel, dan terbaik yang dicetak oleh Canada's Next Top Model. And she is one of the prettiest girl in the runway! She looks so elegant! Stunning!

Mollie Sue - ANTM Cycle 6
Total Show(s) : 1
Mollie Sue Steenis Gondi - America's Next Top Model Cycle 6. So happy to see her on the runway with her baby closed the show! She look stunning! Really miss her and glad to see her walk the show with her besties from cycle 6, Danielle!

Monique - ANTM Cycle 16
Total Show(s) : 1
Monique Weingart - America's Next Top Model Cycle 16. She looks so hot and sexy on the runway! Actually her body not made for runway but she slay!

Phil - ANTM Cycle 20
Total Show(s) : 1
Phil Sullivan - America's Next Top Model Cycle 20. Dengan beard nya yang semakin lebat, Phil hadir dalam 1 show di NYFW SS 2015 ini. Semoga di musim berikutnya ia bisa mencetak lebih banyak show...    

So Ra - KNTM Cycle 3
Total Show(s) : 11
So Ra Choi - Korea's Next Top Model Cycle 3. Well done So Ra! ia menunjukkan performa terbaiknya dengan berhasil berjalan untuk 11 show besar seperti Calvin Klein Collection, Marc Jacobs, Alexander Wang, Anna Sui dll. Dengan prestasi seperti ini di tahun pertamanya ga heran ia disebut-sebut sebagai calon top 10 newcomer fashion week 2014.

Stacy Ann - ANTM Cycle 10
Total Show(s) : 1
Stacy Ann Fequiere - America's Next Top Model Cycle 10. Wow she booked 1 show with her gorgeous jaw line!

Nah itulah para model alumni NTM franchise yang berjalan pada New York Fashion Week SS 2015 ini. Banyak nama-nama baru seperti So Ra dan Leandra dan juga model lama yang kembali ke runway seperti Mollie Sue dan Anna Lundgaard menghiasi wall of fame NTM NYFW tahun ini. Menurut gw Katya berhasil mempertahankan bintangnya bahkan lebih baik dari musim sebelumnya dan disusul oleh So Ra, calon best newcomer. Sayang sekali nama-nama besar seperi Fatima dan Josefin kurang bersinar musim ini bahkan Montana tidak muncul dalam 1 show pun...  okay kita lihat siapa yang bersinar pada London Fashion Week SS 2015... 

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