NorNTM Cycle 8 9th Episode : Los Angeles Starlets Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : November 11, 2013

Photo Shoot : Los Angeles Starlets


Her close up looks edgy but kinda reminds me of Voldemort?? The full body shots looks good but she looks short...


Ingebjorg close up is flawless but her full body shot is so popular facebook girl i don't feel the fashion shots...


Her close up looks good but not stand out and her full body looks more interesteing in my opinion...


Lovise looks beautiful but i don't know why she just really makes me uncomfortable...


Stunning and so timeless beauty! Marlen's both shots should have gotten the first call out!


Rachana's close up is stunning and her full body shot looks so strong and confident!

First call out : Rachana
Call out order : Ingebjorg, Frida, Lovise
Bottom two : Ine & Marlen
Eliminated : Marlen :(

This cycle is stepping it up in the photoshoot department. The last few shoots have really showcased the girls natural beauty. But why they keep eliminated the great girls?? Ayla, Amalie, Kristina and now Marlen... All girls did well this week, but Rachana, Marlen, and Ingebjorg are the clear standouts .I have bad feeling this NorNTM winner will be the worst ever...

My call out order : Marlen, Rachana, Ingebjorg, Frida, Ine & Lovise

1 comment :

  1. My Call - Out Order:
    1st Best Photo: Rachana
    2nd Runner - Up For Best Photo: Lovise
    3rd: Ingebjorg
    4th: Marlen
    5th Eliminated: Ine
    6th Eliminated: Frida


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