NorNTM Cycle 8 11th Episode : Elle Cover Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : November 25, 2013

Photo Shoot : Elle Cover

I really don't understand why they (judges) all loved Frida so much, her smile is so awkward! This is really bad shot!

Usually she looks young but she looks mature in this pic... Its still decent photo i kinda like it...

She so beautiful, she's on whole other level! the pose bit catalogue thought but so modelesque...

She looks bit scary but still beautiful and editorial

First call out : Ingebjorg
Call out order : Frida
Bottom two : Lovise & Ine
Eliminated : Ine
Nice concept and the girls doing well except Frida... Why is she still here?? Ine looks so good...

My call out order : Ingebjorg, Ine, Lovise>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frida (out).

1 comment :

  1. My Call - Out Order:
    1st Best Photo: Ingebjorg
    2nd Runner - Up For Best Photo: Lovise
    3rd Bottom Two: Ine
    4th Eliminated: Frida


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