Asia's Next Top Model is Back in 2014!

Yess!! Salah satu NTM franchise yang gw tunggu-tunggu akhirnya balik lagi! Yup Asia's Next Top Model (AsNTM) bakal balik ke layar kaca dengan season ke-2 di tahun 2014! kenapa gw tunggu2? tentu saja karena NTM franchise ini lah satu-satu nya NTM yang ada model asal Indonesia :) Setelah sebelumnya diwakili oleh Filantropi yang sayangnya hanya sampai top 10, cycle ke-2 Indonesia akan diwakili oleh 2 model (yippie!).

Berbeda dengan cycle sebelumnya yang filming di Singapore, cycle ke-2 ini mengambil lokasi di Malaysia, since the show aims to focus on a specific place each season. According to Fox International Vice President Eddy Tan, AsNTM 2 set to premiere on January 8, 2014 on STAR World Asia and Fox Asia

Untuk posisi juri, Top Model Asia, Nadya Hutagalung tetap duduk sebagai host dan head judge, model Joey Mead King juga kembali sebagai juri sekaligus mentor para calon top model asia. Nah ada yang beda dengan kursi juri lainnya,  international fashion photographer Mike Rosenthal (yang karyanya bisa kita lihat di ANTM)  akan menggantikan Todd Anthony Tyler dan creative Adam Williams (yang juga kita kenal sebagai judge VNTM 4 dan guest runway coach dari AusNTM), akan menggantikan posisi Daniel Boey... Great additional for Mike Rosenthal but Adam Williams? bit annoy by him because his over dramatic character but it's good to replace Daniel who's too stiff and mean...

Nadya Hutagalung

Joey Mead King

Adam Williams

Mike Rosenthal
For the prizes the winner will get three-month contract with Storm Model Management, the chance to appear on the cover of Harper's Bazaar Singapore/Malaysia, a cash prize of 100,000 SGD, a Subaru car, and the chance of being the new face of Canon IXUS and TRESemmé. Casting calls sudah dilakukan sejak tanggal 9 sampai 17 agustus lalu di 5 kota yaitu Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Bangkok and Singapore City. Dan dari audisi tersebut terpilihlah 16 finalis dari berbagai negara di Asia dan inilah mereka :

Indonesia (27/179 cm) great height but shame about the age... I love her because her native indonesian look! she's working for Brava Radio as announcer, PR and alredy work as a model here

 Hong Kong (21/175 cm) she look pissed here...  her photo does nothing for me though, she looks like a mad little boy in a dress. 

 Indonesia (21/174 cm) I think Bona is better model than her... but she has potential...

 China (22/170 cm) The plainest of the group, and she cute but short and forgettable... not sure with her potential

Ji Hye
Korea (20/181 cm) too mature-looking for me, pushing on housewife. Hoping that this is just a bad photo because she has amazing body and great height. All KNTM girls will slay her if she's in KNTM i think...

Phillipines (20/176 cm) Probably the best height and age of the cycle... but she need a makeover... and her face is kinda pretty ugly side...

Malaysia (23/173 cm) beautiful and she has a mysteriousness to her look that reminds me a lot of April from AusNTM..

Phillipines (21/167 cm) gorgeous face but too short! Her face looks pretty in an interesting way..

 Japan (24/ 170 cm) stunning biracial girl but short :( her lips looks so sexy

Taiwan (25/170 cm) her smile looks... need to see her without that smile too comment about her...

Singapore (24/174 cm) strong look and she has alienesque beauty... interesting to see her more...

Singapore (22/ 170 cm) I actually think her face is quite striking but again... short...

Malaysia (22 /74 cm) edgy face and strike looking... one of the strong contender... absolutely potential model...

 India (23/175 cm) Nice jawline, beautiful and elegance but i see her more like queen pageant girls type than a model... 

 Vietnam (25/173 cm) beautiful and looks young for her age... she has potential, want to see her more...

 Thailand  (17/169 cm) the youngest one and very pretty face but too short...  She had everything going for her, but then I got to the height. This shit is getting so old

The cast looking good but not great to be honest and they look kinda similar... only a few that standout... Hopefully this is just bad promo shoot and they have more interesting in motion... Hopefully 2 indonesian models get high place at least top 7 and better... win this :p I wish this cycle more creative, more entertaining and produce real working models.

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Cast of AsNTM Cycle 2 with Nadya Hutagalung

 Cycle 2 Opening

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