ANTM Cycle 20 15th Episode : Finale Part 2 : Finale Runway

Original Airdate : November 15, 2013

Part 2 of 2 of the finale. Setelah cliffhanger pada episode sebelumnya akhirnya kita bisa tahu siapa yang akhirnya tereliminasi dan siapakah 2 model yang akhirnya menjadi Top 2 dari ANTM Cycle ke-20 ini.Yup Cory terelimnasi dan gagal menjadi ANTM namun ternyata ia tetap berjalan di catwalk bersama Marvin dan Jourdan.

The show is a live recreation of a short video the three finalists shot earlier in the day. The story is about a girl caught between two loves, one bad boy and one good. Nilai plus buat Cory, walaupun dia sudah tereliminasi dan mimpinya sebagai ANTM telah hancur namun ia memberikan yang terbaik yang ia mampu. Jourdan ingin menang karena dya merasa dya bisa menjadi role model untuk gadis-gadis yang mengalami abusive relationship di luar sana. There's a symbolic moment of empowerment for her near the conclusion of the fashion show when she knocks Cory down, turns and plants a spontaneous kiss on Marvin's lips. Marvin ternyata mampu mengikut permainan improvisasi Jourdan dengan baik :)

Laura James - Winner of ANTM Cycle 19
Finale Photo Shoot By Tyra Banks
Keesokan harinya Marvin dan Jourdan dikejutkan oleh kedatangan Tyra dan mereka berdua akan di foto langsung oleh Tyra Banks sendiri sebagai foto terakhir mereka.

To be honest, kali ini gw kecewa dengan hasil jepretan Tyra... Uninspiring.. terutama untuk finale photo shoot... Gw jauh lebih suka finale shoot antara Molly dan Brittany ANTM Cycle 16 yang betul-betul memperlihatkan persaingan dan potensial antara keduanya...

The Final Panel and Deliberation

The Final Panel and Deliberation
The time comes for the finalists to stand before the judges for the last time. Tyra says that they will both be evaluated based on their entire body of work.

Marvin at Runway
Kelly - she was blown away that a Bronx-born son of a janitor could so fresh and beautiful.
Rob - judging from the reaction of the girls in the audience, Marvin definitely had a presence.

Jourdan at Runway
Kelly - she's been waiting to see the fierce, beautiful confident girl she saw on the runway for most of the competition and Jourdan was an "autumnal queen of effervescence."
Tyra -  Jourdan was flawless with one caveat, her picture.

Marvin's Portfolio
Kelly - that it has been a pleasure for her to watch his progress.

Jourdan's Portolio
Rob - the shot of Jourdan is the embodiment of everything she's been working towards.

Top 2 : Marvin & Jourdan
and the winner is... 

America's Next Top Model
Jourdan Miller

Congrats to Jourdan for winning! I'm so happy that my favorite from beginning is the winner! She has strong portfolio with 6 first call out along the competition, amazing body with great runway walk, and tons of modelling potential.. Once again congrats miss Jourdan!!

Tyra tells Marvin that he just needs to mature. The face needs to catch up with the man inside. Marvin's not worried about his future, he's confident that with time, he'll be a supermodel. Tyra reveals to Jourdan that she was hoping for a male winner but that after the runway and the final photo shoot, Jourdan's charisma is undeniable. 

Ms Tyra Banks with the Top 2

 Rest of the Models

Chris H.








Winning photo

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