KNTM Cycle 4 12th Episode : Finale : W Magazine Covers Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : November 7, 2013

Photo Shoot : W Magazine Covers

Hwang Hyeon Ju
 It's just SO STUNNING! I love how she manages to perfectly balance soft and edgy in this shot all at the same time. I like her body looks so relax but  at the same time, beauty shots usually have more impact than length body like Hyeon Ju's Shot...

Jung Ho Yeon
 Great cover! She looks so gorgeous and her staring eyes really tell a story... Beautiful face, gorgeous body and amazing skin...

Shin Hyeon Ji
Iconic! It's Simply Perfect! Everything is perfection here! I can see this as a cover of Vogue Italia to be honest...

i love all the covers but actually something bothers me... The shoot did not have the girls wear the same thing or styled in any similar manner. I felt like last season was so perfect because all the girls all wore the same outfit. This way, the judges could really compare and contrast technical ability.

2nd Runner Up : Jung Ho Yeon
Top 2 : Hwang Hyeon Ju & Shin Hyeon Ji
and the winner is...

Korea's Next Top Model
Shin Hyeon Ji

Congrats to Hyeon Ji for winning! I'm so happy that my favorite from beginning is the winner! She and Hyeon Ju are my pre select winner from the start! And i don't really care who will win between them two... Actually Hwang Hyeon Ju has more strong portfolio but Hyeon Ji's cover shot really on whole other level... And if they need to find  a model that can go into international modelling industry, Shin Hyeon Ji is the perfect choice... Congrats!! 

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