ANTM Cycle 20 13th Episode : Hanging Upside Down with Bats Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : November 1, 2013

Episode kali ini dibuka dengan adegan para model yang kembali ke rumah mereka setelah penjurian episode sebelumnya. Walaupun Jourdan senang karena mendapat first call out lagi, ia tahu posisi nya tidak aman karena seperti Nina yang mendapat 2 first call out in a row tetap saja harus tereliminasi...

Jourdan mengajak Cory untuk sharing tidur di Tyra Suite. Cory agak kaget juga diajak Jourdan karena hubungan antara keduanya tidak bisa dibilang deket juga, but he says their shared affection for Nina is probably the primary reason she chose him. Jourdan menganggap Nina adalah teman terdekatnya selama kompetisi.

Jourdan, Cory and Renee confront Chris H. and told him that he should have not stayed and that he was fake to Nina all the time. Semua melihat perpisahan Chris kepada Nina pada episode sebelumnya hanya akting belaka. Menurut Jourdan, Chris memperlakukan Nina seperti crap dan Cory melihat Chris tidak pernah care kepada Nina dan ia sengaja mengucek-ngucek matanya biar kelihatan sedih dan merah (LOL!!). Mereka bertiga tidak senang karena orang seperti Chris bisa sampai ke tahap ini dalam kompetisi.   

Chris turns to Marvin for support.  Chris says that when he's being attacked, it gives him flashbacks to the verbal abuse he suffered from his mother. Marvin is confused by Chris's sudden desire to confide in him because the two have never had a relationship. Also, Marvin has no interest in developing one.

Challenge : Fitness Challenge

Keesokan harinya para model menghadapi tantangan baru, fitness challenge. Mereka ditantang oleh Rob Evans dan juara ANTM cycle 19, Laura James. Mereka akan melakukan banyak tantangan untuk menguji ketahanan fisik mereka, Cowok melawan cowok begitupun sebaliknya model cewek akan melawan model cewek lainnya. Yang pertama adalah Renee melawan Jourdan, karena Renee memiliki skor lebih baik pada challenge-challenge sebelumnya, Renee gets a three-second head start. Dan akhirnya Renee berhasil mengalahkan Jourdan. Jourdan isn't far behind, but she gets lightheaded, out of breath and suffers from blurry vision. A medic is called to the scene. Renee sih beranggapan Jourdan nya aja yang overly dramatic karena udah kalah darinya (LOL).

Berikutnya adalah giliran para model cowok dan tentu aja Marvin berhasil mengalahkan Cory and Chris. BTW Marvin wins his first challenge ever

Challenge Winner : Marvin & Renee
As a reward, lovebirds Marvin and Renee are going to be featured in a workout video with Laura and Rob. Not much of a reward in my opinion. The two also get to enjoy some rejuvenating spa treatments.

Photo Shoot : Hanging Upside Down with Bats 

Chris H.
Dynamic pose and i like his elongated neck in this picture.. Face looks great except the lips looks distorted..

 It's a good photo but his pose looks to feminine...

 She looks graceful and pretty!

 He looks like he's just hanging there sleeping... Great cheekbones as always though..

She doing well in my opinion... She looks really beautiful and good pose to be honest...

First call out : Jourdan

Call out order : Marvin
Bottom Three : Renee, Cory & Chris H.

Eliminated : Renee & Chris H.

Wow! Jourdan get her fifth fco! I think Renee's picture is better than some models and not deserved to get boot... I hate how they do double elimination in this level... 

My call out order : Jourdan, Renee, Chris H, Cory & Marvin (out).

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