DNTM Cycle 7 8th Episode : Car Wash Babes Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : November 7, 2013

Photo Shoot : Car Wash Babes

Her face is alright but her pose is so awkward and stiff... Amanda really down the hill :(

Anne Kathrine
Gorgeous face and she looks long and lean!

Caroline H.
She looks so beautiful but unfortunately her expression didn't match the theme...

Caroline S.
Sexy and fierce!

Catrine can't pull off sexy obviously and she deserved bottom 2 at least for this. She looks afraid and stiff.. Really bad photo...

weak shot but i think she get sabotage... why she get different angles with other girls?

Stunning! Louise is the only one who can make this tacky theme looks high fashion. 

Photo of the week : Caroline S.
Call out order : Caroline S, Anne Katherine, Catrine, Louise, Amanda
Bottom Two : Caroline H & Josephine
Eliminated : Josephine

The models' placement in the call-out does not reflect how well they performed in the photo shoot. The bottom two does however represent the worst performing models in danger of being eliminated.
The concept its a bit tacky but i like it because it's simple and sexy but not too much and still fashionable! However this concept really downgrade this cycle photo shoot levels... If they want to do this kind of photo shoot they need to do it at the beginning of the competition not on this level when 7 girls left and they do it in Paris?? such a waste of place and girls potential! Catrine really need to go with her picture this week... it's really bad and nothing modelesque about her photo... They got strong top 6 if Catrine replace by Anne, Amalie or Josephine to be honest...
My call out order : Louise, Caroline S, Anne Katherine, Amanda, Caroline H, Josephine & Catrine (out).

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