VNTM Cycle 4 1st Episode : Casting Week Promo Shoot

Original Airdate : October 6, 2013

Photo Shoot : Casting Promo

Bihn Ta
 Wtf at the make up! but he looks handsome as always

Cha Mi
 Stunning face and love her body! I know she can produce great photo!

Dai Tran
 Nice attitude...

Hang Nguyen
 Strong contender! Stunning face!

Kian Le
 Too stiff in the face... and maybe he is my least favorite in guy side...

Kien Tran
 Need more relax but he looks so damn cool... hate those shorts thought...

Linh Phan
Nice pose amazing body...

Mai Ngo
She proved me wrong, serving some serious model in here!

Ngan Do
 Her body looks great in this pic and love that jawline!

 He looks so great! He need tone his body a bit to get more muscle...

Thanh Nguyen
Glamazon body! but weak face compare to other girls...

Thao Le
I love her head shape! really interesting...

Thoa Pham
A bit harsh in the face...

Thu Dinh
Sexiest teacher on earth, she can teach how to **** whenever she wants (LOL)

Thuy Mau
Not a fan of her body position but i live for those legs

Trung Nguyen
 Nice nut he looks like Bryanboy... O my god... eewww...

Tong Nguyen
Not working as he should

Viet Vu
 Body looks great but need makeover ASAP!

Great promo shoot and almost the models working it.. But why did the girls all get great styling but the guys' styling is so tacky? They all have tons potential in my opinion but the girls out shined the boys... Hopefully this cycle produce some high fashion photo and challenge shootand not wasted they potential...

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