PeNTM Cycle 1 8th Episode : Glamazons in the Jungle Photo Shoot

First aired: October 26, 2013

Photo Shoot : Glamazons in the Jungle

 She did best! I'm really impressed be Danea's improvement from the first day of the competition. She's grown a lot!

 Giordana did good, but is too much of a strong face. Amaing pose though... 

 Her body looks great but her face is so weak... i give her plus point because pose differently to other girls...

Laura didn't do well... it's bottom 2 worthy but her consistent portfolio definitely saved her...

 Samy keeps getting better... she know her angle to make her body looks so great... love her sultry face too...

It's not the worst photo! Actually it's better than some girls... yeah her photo is kinda bad in terms of the body she's looking weird but face is decent.

Best Photo : Danea
Call out order : Giordana, Samy, Danea, Johana
Bottom 2 : Sharinna & Laura
Eliminated : Sharinna
With the exception of contestants placed in the bottom two, the call-out in the competition is random. As the models are called forward, they learn whether or not they received best photo.
Great photography! Peru's keep getting better! I think Sharinna did good and not bottom 2 worthy to be honest... Johanna should go, she keeps getting weak week after week... I think Laura was the weakest this week but her consistent portfolio definitely saved her...
My call out order : Danea, Samy, Sharinna, Giordana, Johanna & Laura   

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