KNTM Cycle 4 10th Episode : Weddings in Las Vegas Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : October 24, 2013

Photo Shoot : Weddings in Las Vegas

Hwang Hyeon Ju
 She did great... strong beautiful face... and that legggg looks so longgg...

Jung Ho Yeon
Ho Yeon has been killing it these last few weeks. This picture is no exception. She can pull of sexy much better than I would have expected.

Kim Hye Ah
it's very glamorous and pretty! And her body looks banging! tall and glamazon!

Park Sin Ae
 So not fair for Sin Ae. I also feel like they gave her the least flattering styling so it just highlights how short she is. She's not even in focus in the picture! But she managed to still looks great!

Shin Hyeon Ji
Hyeon Ji's mouth doesn't look good... She did great except the mouth.. dynamic pose and great movement. I can see her picture in indie fashion magazine editorial to be honest...

First call out : Jung Ho Yeon
Call out order : Shin Hyeon Ji, Hwang Hyeon Ju
Bottom 2 : Kim Hye Ah & Park Sin Ae
Eliminated : Both :(

Yes, I love everyone in the finale! But to be honest, i love all 5 of them and don't care who will be winning this stunning competition! Amazing shoot, I love how they didn't make it tacky but very interesting with concepts mixed with fashion! I wish they do the finales with top 5 so we can see all of  them in W magazine cover trying... I'll miss Hye Ah & Sin Ae :(

My call out order : Jung Ho Yeon, Kim Hye Ah, Shin Hyeon Ji, Hwang Hyeon Ju & Park Sin Ae

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