PeNTM Cycle 1 7th Episode : Topless Jewelry Beauty Shots Covered in Paint Photo Shoot

First Aired : October 19, 2013

Photo Shoot : Topless Jewelry Beauty Shots Covered in Paint

She looks really beautiful even with the paint all over her face... but not memorable though...

Hmmm... Interesting picture, i love her intimate expression... she looks really enjoy her time lol

Great eyes staring but i don't like her lips... too intense, she need more relax...

I don't like her profile but this picture really great! Strong pose and she workin it. I feel she get advantage with her color than other girls, black makes her photo more interesting and expensive...

 Interesting pose, she shows all her jewellery really well  but face is half there...

It's a bit too much... but still good...

The weakest photo of the bunch... weak face and weak pose...

Best Photo : Laura
Call out order : Laura, Johanna, Sharinna, Danea, Giordana
Bottom 2 : Samy & Molly
Eliminated : Molly
With the exception of contestants placed in the bottom two, the call-out in the competition is random. As the models are called forward, they learn whether or not they received best photo.
What a neat photo shoot.. but damn how did Sharinna get away with such a piss-poor photo?! Molly was robbed! 
My call out order : Laura, Giordana, Molly, Danea, Johanna, Sammy & Sharinna (out).

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