MxNTM Cycle 4 7th Episode : Exotic Birds hanging on a Trapeze Photo Shoot

First Aired: September 30, 2013

Photo Shoot : Exotic Birds hanging on a Trapeze

From waist up looks good but her foot look like amputee...

Nice face and good pose... She doing well...

Wow! stunning face! Body looks good but i wish we can see her foot... i'll blame the photographer... such a bad cropping...

Stunning! great profile and pose... so graceful... She nailed it again!

Dynamic but awkward pose (LOL) and the face... Karely is definitely trolling the whole competition,she knows that she will stay no matter what kind of sh*t she does (LOL) i don't like her at first but now i kinda like her because it's not her fault, she want to quit but judges don't let her...

  I would love Michel's if it wasn't for that stubby, misshapen looking leg.Gorgeous face thought...

Another great photo from Paloma! She and Iliana Top 2 please!

Weak face, awkward pose and horrible legs... and she just sit there...

First call out : Iliana
Call out order : Paloma, Cindy, Clara, Michel, Karely
Bottom two : Renata & Barbara
Eliminated : Renata

Great shoot, could've been a bit better but considering last week, this is Vogue worthy in comparison (LOL). Some girls doing so well! Ileana and Paloma are in a league all their own...Cindy and Clara doing good, and Michel surprise me the most,  her top half is great but that leg looks so awkward and almost deformed it will be one of my favorite if it's not the leg... Barbara & Renata such a let down. I don't know why but Oscar told Karely to keep doing the same expression cause it was nice, so she had to do it, she was actually risking and stuff, and she was like "OMG HAHA", when she saw her photo too.So i'm not blame Karely, i blame the judges why she didn't get eliminate because she doesnn't want to be here at first place!

My call out order : Iliana, Paloma, Cindy, Clara, Michel, Karely, Barbara & Renata (out). 

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