Home America's Next Top Model Cycle 20 ANTM Cycle 20 11th Episode : Animorphs with different Animals Photo Shoot
ANTM Cycle 20 11th Episode : Animorphs with different Animals Photo Shoot
cipcipweebee 8:14 PM 0
Original Airdate : October 11, 2013
Akhirnya final eight sampai juga di Bali, Indonesia (yeayyyy!!)... Walaupun mereka senang tapi tetep aja beberapa model mengalami tekanan, Don yang sebelum kompetisi mengalami Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD), mulai merasa down karena tekanan persaingan yang semakin ketat, Nina juga merasa stress selain karena kompetisi juga karena hubungan persahabatannya dengan Chris H. semakin retak dan Jourdan ga percaya karena dalam final 8 hanya tersisa 3 model cewek...
Berbeda dengan teman-temannya yang mengalami stress berat, Renee merasa Bali seperti rumah nya sendiri... Suasana dan alam tropis Bali mengingatkannya dengan tanah kelahirannya, Trinidad. She says throughout the
competition she's been growing like a little flower and she feels like
she can really bloom in the new environment.
Oh iya, walaupun mereka ga lagi tinggal di model house, Nina sebagai best photo minggu lalu tetap mendapat privilage untuk merasakan Tyra Suite, salah satu villa di hotel mereka di Bali disulap menjadi Tyra Suite dengan kemewahan yang sama seperti di rumah mereka sebelumnya.
Challenge : Underwater Runway
Yup challenge kali ini para model diharuskan untuk runway di bawah laut ala challenge top 4, AusNTM Cycle 8.. Tentu aja tantangan ini menjadi tantangan yang berat untuk beberapa model terutama Don dan Nina. Nina pernah mengalami operasi pengangkatan bagian paru-parunya karena infeksi dan ia merasa khawatir sejauh mana hal ini mempengaruhi fisiknya. Marvin yang mengetahui kelemahan Nina berpikir semoga Nina gagal dalam challenge ini, "Hopefully, this is the one
challenge, like, that she's back in the bottom; I catch a break, and she
goes home." O my God Marvin really annoying!
Nina yang menyadari dya ga bakalan menang dalam challenge mulai nangis dan hal ini mengganggu Chris H. who says it's getting to be a bit too much for him. dan Cory lah yang akhirnya mencoba menenangkan Nina... Don yang juga struggling dalam challenge ini berusaha untuk melawan anxiety nya. Don
is struggling with the idea of not being in control and being confined
inside the helmet. Don makes it the 12
feet to the ocean floor, but starts to panic and has to reemerge.
Untuk kondisi yang dialami Nina dan Don, akhirnya mereka diberikan perlakuan khusus, mereka tidak diberikan helm penyelam melainkan snorkel masks. Dan akhirnya mereka mampu mengikuti challenge walaupun hasilnya tidak sebaik yang model lainnya. Don is worn out from the adrenaline surge of the panic attack.
He can barely hold himself up much less pose. Nina fails to impress as
Johnny called out Marvin (LOL) as well as Don and Nina for their lackluster performances. Johnny calls out Chris H., Jourdan
and Renee for their stellar work.
Challenge Winner : Renee
As her prize she get $30.000 for swimsuit.
Photo Shoot : Animorphs with different Animals
For their photo shoot, the models get to pose with some furry and scaly friends at a safari park. Johnny urges them to embody the animal they are paired with.
and Renee, who have recently become lovebirds of sorts, have a spat
during the shoot. Berawal dari Renee yang memberi semangat kepada Jeremy agar mendapat best photo. Marvin mempertanyakan kenapa ia mau agar Jeremy mendapat best photo. Renee merasa bingung, she doesn't understand how telling someone
they did a good job can be a bad thing. Marvin beranggapan, Renee harusnya cheer for herself to win best photo karena Renee sendiri belum pernah mendapat best photo. It's at that moment that
Renee comes to the realization that Marvin is a jackass, and she can do
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Chris H. |
He just standing there... boring! come on Chris H!
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Cory |
He is the only one who embodied as his animals, orangutan... looks great and comical
great face but not standout in my opinion...
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Jeremy |
Stunning face and body language...i disagree with the judges he looks manly and not feminine...
Weak shot and no interaction with her animals...
Actually is great picture... but i don't like him (LOL)
Stunning! great connection with the snake and her pose just wow! It look like real ad...
Beautiful face but she looks bored...
First call out : Nina
out order : Renee, Jeremy, Cory, Jourdan, Chris H
Bottom Two : Marvin & Don
Eliminated : Don
My Call out Order : Nina >>>>>>>>>>>> Jeremy, Cory, Don, Jourdan, Chris H., Renee & Marvin (out - actually he takes higher place in my order but he keep annoys me so i want him out the sooner the better LOL).
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