NorNTM Cycle 8 3rd Episode : Jumping on a trampoline for Mood's of Norway Photo Shoot

First Aired : September 30, 2013

Photo Shoot : Jumping on a trampoline for Mood's of Norway

Amalie H.
 Looks fun but her body really thick!

Amalie R.
Looks awkward and not ready... weak shot...

She looks fun and enjoying her time.. And she take risks..

I love her shape and angle that she make with her body... nice profile too

Nice body language but boring face...

She doing well...

nice smile and not gorget to modelling...

great and dynamic and i love her happy and free emotions.. and she even managed to toss the flowers perfectly (which just really puts the photo over the top).

Weak photoshoot again from Lovise...

Looks different but not suited to mood's of Norway i think...

She looks so beautiful and her smile is so adorable...

Don't dig her face... it's too much and draggish...but she get the worst dress.. not flattering...

First call out : Ayla
Call out order : Marlen, Kristina, Ingebjorg, Amalie H., Celina, Malin, Ine, Lovise, Frida
Bottom two : Amalie R. & Rachana
Eliminated : Amalie R.

My expectations were so low that I'm pleasantly surprised. It's not great, but it's not as bad as I expected.  if someone really wanted to make a commercial campaign with something like this, you couldn't ask for a much better shot than that. I really like Kristina's picture, i can feel the emotion and not over the top... agree with the judges about elimination girl...

My call out order : Kristina, Celina, Marlen, Ayla, Ingebjorg, Amalie H, Malin, Ine, Lovise, Frida , Rachana & Amalie R. (out).

1 comment :

  1. My Call - Out Order:
    1st Best Photo: Ayla
    2nd Runner - Up For Best Photo: Kristina
    3rd: Marlen
    4th: Ingebjorg
    5th: Celina
    6th: Amalie H
    7th: Rachana
    8th: Ine
    9th: Malin
    10th: Frida
    11th Bottom Two: Lovise
    12th Eliminated: Amalie R


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