Vietnam's Next Top Model : Start This November!

Satu lagi franchise dari NTM yang akan kembali pada akhir tahun 2014 ini, yup Vietnam's Next Top Model (VNTM) kembali untuk cycle ke-5! dan rencananya akan mulai broadcast pada 1 November 2014.. VNTM telah menjadi salah satu show dengan  highest-rated di Vietnam sejak tahun 2010. Walaupun sejak kemunculannya banyak menimbulkan kontroversi seperti bocornya urutan eliminasi di cycle 2 oleh para kontestan yang akhirnya mereka harus menanggung tuntutan dari produser sebesar $714.000 (15 billions VND) karena contract violation sampai pemboykotan dari penonton... Tapi VNTM tetap kembali dan kali ini masih menyambung format pada cycle sebelumnya Boys & Girls... Mudah-mudahan kali ini VNTM ga flop ya mengingat cycle 4 tahun lalu yang mengecewakan, mess elimination order, basic winner and yang paling penting bad photo shoot dan editing...

VNTM 5 Promo Poster

This year former host Xuan Lan, who hosted cycles 2 and 3, return to fulfill her position as head judge at panel. A new judge, Samuel Hoang was also introduced. Furthermore, Adam Williams became a permanent judge. Audisi tahun ini sudah dilakukan sejak Agustus lalu di 2 kota besar Hano dan Ho Chi Minh City dan syarat-syarat peserta adalah :
  • Young men and women had to be Vietnamese citizens or foreigners of Vietnamese origin.
  • Be between the ages of 18-25
  • Meet a minimum height requirement of 170cm (for women) and 175cm (for men)
  • Not be managed exclusively by companies, agencies, or products.
  • Have no criminal record

VNTM 5 Promo Poster

Dan selain gelar VNTM, para kontestan juga akan memperebutkan banyak hadiah menarik seperti :
  • A contract to work exclusively with the company's top management model Beu Models $ 1 billion (47196 USD);
  • Originally appeared on the cover of the magazine F - Fashion - Fashion Magazine's top FTV channel, with cash prizes of $ 200 VND million for this magazine; (9439 USD)
  • An exclusive representation contract for 1 year for the Lumia brand and the free use of the latest mobile phones from Microsoft Devices company within 1 year, $ 300 million; (14159 USD)
  • Signed contracts for the advertising model fashion brands Canifa within a year, $ 200 million (9439 USD)
  • A reward of $ 100 million Bourjois Paris Cosmetics (4719 USD)
  • A Centurion card membership from California Fitness & Yoga Center worth 450 million ( 21238.5 USD)
  • Special Top 4 contestants of Vietnam's Next Top Model will be a trip experience in environmental international fashion by company management and training model Be U Models and magazines F - Fashion - Journal of the top of page sponsored FTV channel.

Dan inilah 16 model yang akan berkompetisi tahun ini!

Cao Ngân

Great body and great cheekbone... definitely has potential but need to see more...

Công Toàn

I like his edgy face... And body looks great too...

Đăng Khánh

a bit too much on posing and his nose looks big but other than that he could be good...

Đăng Văn Hội

Nice face.. i think he can do both high fashion and commercial...

Đức Anh

Derpy face... one of the weakest on guys side...

Duy Anh

Need to see more... not sure about him for now...

Kim Dung

Stunning face! gorgeous jaw line! and stellar body! i think she is one of my favorite gitl this year! Top 2 please or just crown her already!

Nguyễn Oanh

She screams filler to me...

Nguyễn Văn Thắng

Another great guy.. masculine and great body... Hope he goes far...

Quang Hùng

Such a strong face! He looks young, fresh and edgy! Top 4 please!

Quỳnh Châu

So beautiful and body looks great... i like her but i think she's more on commercial model though..

Thanh Tuyen

I don't know.. she looks manly in this photo...

Tiêu Ngọc Linh

Another favorite! Such a strong exotic look! Top 2 with Kim Dung!

Tuan Khang

Ugh.. i think he is the worst! What judges sees in him?? Hopefully he's the first one got the boot...

Văn Nam

Cute boy but not a model material... but want to see more...

Yến Nhi

Gorgeous girl... But She need to stand out more because some other girls look stronger...

Some girls and boys looks really great but other looks really weak and flat... But overall the cast is great.. Hopefully this time VNTM not dissapointing me again... Amen!

VNTM Cycle 5 Cast

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