UkrNTM Cycle 1 2nd Episode : Embodying Garden Flowers Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : September 5, 2014

Photo Shoot : Embodying Garden Flowers

Alena - Birds of Paradise
i love her cheekbones and tense... she doing so well for first photo shoot... Really surprise because her promotional photo was so bad.. Now she's in my top 7! sorry Irina... 

Anastasia - Moss
Really beautiful face and love that pouty lips... but her pose looks stiff and unnatural

Anna - Bat Flower
Not her best angle but i'm surprised because she can be editorial model and left her beauty pageantry look...

Anna-Christina - Violet
I like it... she looks so fairy.. her face looks so pretty and her skin looks great..

Darina - Day Lily
She doing great... unconventional beauty...

Debora - Fuschia
Nice cheekbone and good pose but i wish she's not smile...

Elena - Daffodil
Why she's doing that face??

Irina - Daisy
Her face looks blank... She need more life in her eyes..

Karina D - Carnation
One of my favorite photo! She looks stunning and her face take the make up really well...

Karina M - Venus Fly Trap
She looks good and she gives strong presence like a villain...

Tatiana - Baby's Breath
So sexy but still in women magaine style... Great body! Her face looks so beautiful! 

Valeria - Iris
Strong expression! Her eyes looks so fierce... i wish she tilt up her head and elongated her body...

Vlada P - Cactus
Strong face and love her cheekbones... She's working that cheap outfit!

Vlada R - Rose
Biggest surprise! She really photogenic.. Million dollar face!

Yana - Peony
Piercing eyes and strong expression... same with Valeria i wish she show her neck more...



Karina D
Karina M
Vlada P
Vlada R

The contestants are not called in order of merit. Instead, they are asked to enter one of two doors after their names are drawn randomly and they are judged individually at panel. The first room contains all the contestants deemed safe. The second room is empty, and only the eliminated contestant is asked to enter it.

Winner Photo : Valeria
Safe : Irina, Karina D, Yana, Tatiana, Debora, Anna, Darina, Alena, Karina M, Anna-Christina, Vlada R, Anastasia, Vlada P
Eliminated : Elena

Good photoshoot but a bit cheap and tacky with the style but i think overall their performance was great considered this is thier first photo shoot... I like Elena fun personality but her attitude was really bad.. the judges said that she thinks that the show is rigged and she doesn't take it seriously. They say she is too picky and tries to direct everything.. Some girls looks really good, their promotional photo was really misleading... I hope they step up next week..

My call out order : Karina D, Tatiana, Vlada R, Alena, Valeria, Vlada P, Anastasia, Anna-Christina, Yana, Karina M, Darina, Anna, Debora, Irina & Elena

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