SweNTM Cycle 7 27th & 28th : Posing sexual, dominative or submissive in Groups and Pairs Photo Shoot

27th Episode
Original Airdate : April 9, 2014

The aspiring models participate in Dominatrix Black and White photo shoot.

Group 1



 Amazing shot! They did great as a group and individually... I love Jennifer's expression, she looks strong and dominating... This is her first pic that i truly love... Agnes body movement really great and her face scream sexy! And Joakim give his best dominated expression... he looks so high fashion!

Group 2


 They look great together! Ellinor give sensual vibes and i like how she make curve shape with her body and Kostas really good to be a master! Strong pose and face!

Group 3


 Elzana slay Michael to be honest... She so damn hot and looks like sexy kitten, great pose and expression... Even he just standing there, Michael face's himself is so great but he need to toned up his body!

Group 4


 It's good shot but unfortunately other groups doing better... I think they lack of chemistry between them... Feben looks stunning as always but she looks scare... And Kevin face not really photogenic at all in this shot..

28th Episode
Original Airdate : April 10 , 2014

The contestants go to panel to have their photos evaluated. Once everyone has been evaluated, Michael and Joakim are asked to step forward. In the end, Michael  is allowed to stay and Joakim must leave the competition.

Best Group/pair : Kostantinos & Ellinor
Call out order : Agnes, Kevin, Elzana, Jennifer, Feben
Bottom two : Michael & Joakim
Eliminate : Joakim (wtf!)

WTF! Why Joakim?? Why? he look most high fashion... i understand with Michael placed in bottom 2 but why Joakim? he looks so good! After David & Joakim left, only Kostas out of the boys i can see win the title... for girls i take Agnes and Ellinor maybe Elzana for now on...

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