SweNTM Cycle 7 23rd & 24th Episode : Jumping from a Trampoline in Neon Clothing Photo Shoot

23rd Episode 
Original Airdate : April 2, 2014

Photo Shoot : Jumping from a Trampoline in Neon Clothing

The aspiring models participate in a crazy Neon trampoline photo shoot.

Agnes & Joakim
Ellinor & Kostastinos

Elzana & Michael

Feben & Kevin

Jennifer & Sebastian
 Actually the concept was great but the styling ruin this photo shoot... It makes them looks so cheap and tacky. Honestly the girls still working it and slay the boys... Agnes, and Ellinor looks great, they look stunning and control their own body... i like Jennifer pose and body language, she looks so much fun! And Elzana and Feben looks fun and commercial aswell... While the boys looks like not even trying... Only Joakim has doing good and Kevin for the body...  Sebastian looks like a drag (remind me of Adam Williams, judges of Asia's Next Top Model). But obviously Feben & Kevin are working it as a pair...

24th Episode
Original Airdate : April 3, 2014

The contestants go to panel to have their photos evaluated. Once everyone has been evaluated, Sebastian and Jennifer are asked to step forward. Caroline reveals that only  one person would be eliminated.  In the end, Jennifer  is allowed to stay and Sebastian must leave the competition.

Best Couple : Ellinor & Kostantinos
Call out order : Feben & Kevin, Agnes & Joakim, Elzana & Michael
Bottom two : Sebastian & Jennifer
Eliminate : Sebastian

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