GNTM Cycle 9 12th Episode : Maybelline Casting & Children's Birthday Party Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : April 24, 2014

Challenge : Maybelline Casting

20's Girls

 Jolina and Betty working the style but obviously Jolina is far more better than Betty, her feature and performance is true top model.

50's Girls

 The 50's girls are the best group out of 3 group... They all look really amazingly beautiful! i can see their picture as real maybelline campaign...

80's Girls

 The weakest group... But maybe their styling not help either... They got worst styling...

1st Round
Eliminated : Aminata, Betty & Nancy
Top  4 : Ivana, Jolina, Stefanie & Nathalie

2nd Round
Eliminated : Nathalie & Stefanie
Top 2 : Ivana & Jolina

3rd Round
Winner : Jolina

Photo Shoot : Children's Birthday Party









Call out order : Betty, Ivana, Jolina, Nancy, Stefanie, Nathalie
Bottom two : Aminata & Karlin
Eliminate : No one

The competition will finished in 3 weeks (includes this episode), they still has 8 girls and they not eliminate anyone?? Gosh! they'll be kick this girls ass in 2 episode! Maybe they will do triple or quart in one episode?? The photo shoot looks good, i like the styling and the theme but for this level, the execution was not that good.. They need to give the girls more fashion related photo shoot because the competition is getting serious... And the Maybelline challenge photo shoot looks far more better than actual shoot... Too bad they don't release the challenge shoot and the photos above just the screen capture from the episode (thanks for lights. from RTVG for the screencap)... Those 3 who were eliminated in the first round in challenge should have gone home this week like for real. If only shoots have been THAT GREAT this season - with the girls we had + still have it could have possibly been best GNTM season yet, but instead we got Childern Birthday party shoot...

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