CamNTM Cycle 1 13th Episode : Girl in the Scene Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : February 13, 2015

Photo Shoot : Girl in the Scene


Dalis portrays the character as a spoiled kid in a rich family. She is confident with everything she decides. At the same time, she is forced to marry with someone she doesn’t know by her parents, and she refuses.

She doing really well but her character kinda difficult to portray... She looks like a spoiled confident rich girl but she doesn't look like she's being forced to married... But still this is great photo... Bodalis really photogenic...


Kesey portrays the character as a cruel witch who is very proud and has so much confidence in her outside beauty.

Stunning! Finally she's back! Her evil stare just amaing!

Kong Kar

Kongkar portrays the character as the second wife who is harmed mentally and physically by the family of a rich man. In the house, she lives in fear and pain.

She's really commited into her character... I can feel her fear and pain...


Malyneth portrays the character as an ugly witch inside a beautiful woman. She will be turning to her real look after a certain time.

Another weak performance by Malyneth...


Soriyan portrays the character as a cruel ambitious woman who kills her husband in order to own all the properties.

She looks really beautiful and elegant but kinda miss her character.. I'm sure this is not her best photo, she had better in the set...

First Call out : Kong Kar
Call out order : Chankesey, Soriyan
Bottom two : Bodalis & Malyneth
Eliminated : Malyneth

Another great photo shoot by Cambodia! Other NTM need to learn from them!... Finally Malyneth got the boot... She's really mess this week and the week before too... Love the other four... They just strong... Even Bodalis kinda grow in me...

My call out order : Chankesey, Kong Kar, Soriyan, Bodalis & Malyneth (out)

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