SweNTM Cycle 7 15th & 16th Episode : Hanging in Hareness for Maybeline Photo Shoot (Girls)

15th Episode
Original Airdate : March 19, 2014

Photo Shoot : Hanging in Hareness for Maybeline Ad (Girls)
The girls did a photoshoot to sell mascara for Maybeline in which they were hanging in harnesses under a bridge.

Stunning face! her look is so raw and fierce! and her pose looks great too... I think she need to work on her body because her legs looks a bit thick...

OMG her face look so stunning! her arms  and hands looks bit awkward...

Little stiff but she looks so sexy! i can see her walk as Victoria's Secret Angels with this looks...

Legs for days but her face isn't great.. She looks terrifying and unsure...

 Decent photo... She looks gorgeous...

Best Guy : Sebastian
Best Girl : Agnes

16th Episode
Original Airdate : March 20, 2014

The contestants go to panel to have their photos evaluated. Once everyone has been evaluated, Agnes and Sebastian are asked to step forward. Caroline reveals that Agnes took the best photo out of the two, which also means that all girls are safe. Sanel and Michael land in the bottom two. In the end, Michael is allowed to stay and Sanel must leave the competition and be the first guy to get eliminated. Caroline also revealed that Elzana would've been eliminated if the guys received best photo.

Immune from elimination : Agnes, Ellinor, Elzana, Feben & Jennifer
Would've been eliminated : Elzana
Call out order : Sebastian, Kostantinos, David, Kevin, Joakim
Bottom two : Sanel & Michael
Eliminate : Sanel

Again, 2 different concept photo shoot for the girls and guys... i hate it but okay... How come Elzana would've been eliminated if guys win the challenge, she has amazing picture!! I think Sebastian not deserve for best picture, David, Kevin or Kosta more deserve it in my opinion... Poor Sanel, he is the character for this cycle but i think his body looks too bulky for fashion, his shoulder looks weird...

My call out order :
Guys : Kevin, David, Konstantinos, Sebastian, Joakim, Michael & Sanel
Girls : Elzana, Agnes, Ellinor, Jennifer & Feben

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