AsNTM Cycle 2 10th Episode : Alex Perry Gowns in the Beach Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : March 26, 2014

Photo Shoot : Alex Perry Gowns in the Beach

I think it's look weird...  she has no feet, like a ghost... her shoulders looks stiff too but great energy and movement... 

She looks old :( weak performance JoJo... 

nothing good to say besides the pretty face she does every week.. neck looks scary and her body is looking thick.. only her pretty face will save her in this competition... ughhh...  

It's simple and nice. Nothing else I can really say about it.  

Finally we can see her soften side but her face looks not good... 

Nice pose and her lean body looking great but i can't at her face...

First call out : Jodilly
Call out order : Katarina, Sheena, Marie
Bottom two : Nicole & Josephine
Eliminate : Josephine :(

Finally AsNTM back after 2 weeks delay... But honestly i hate this week photo shoot... overall really bad result. It suck that they produce such weak shot when they have these great stylings.. And it's suck that Katarina still there and robbed girls that actually have big potential... 

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