GNTM Cycle 9 6th Episode : Portraying Both Genders in Pairs in B&W and Spider Body Paint Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : March 13, 2014

Photo Shoot : Portraying Both Genders in Pairs in B&W

Aminata (female) & Nathalie (male)
Surprisingly Aminata can look so girly and loose her harsh feature thanks for the long weave... Nathalie looks good too but she looks a bit force to look cool...

Anna (male) & Sainabou (female)
 Anna looks great... she looks natural as male and Sainabou looks pretty as always...

Betty (female) & Karlin (male)
 Betty looks sweet but nothing special to be honest and Karlin looks so hot as a male... She doing good job! I think she is the most natural in the bunch...

Ivana (female) & Nancy (male)
 Ivan looks gorgeous... and her sleepy look fit the theme! Nancy looks great too, her strong jawline give her advantage...

Jana (female) & Lisa (male)
Lisa is the most handsome guy! and i love her attitude! Jana looks beautiful but she just looks like background model for Lisa... 

Jolina (male) & Samantha (female)
 Great chemistry between them! such a sweet couple

Sarah (male) & Ivana (female)
 Sarah looks like high fashion male model...

Simona (female) & Stefanie(male)
 Simona looks great but looks like no life in her eyes... Well done Stefanie, she looks stunning...

Photo Shoot : Spider Body Paint















 All the girls doing great job and my favorites are Nancy, Jolina, Ivana and Stefanie...

Immune from elimination : Nathalie, Ivana, Aminata & Betty
Call out order : Jolina, Sainabou, Anna, Stefanie, Karlin, Samantha, Lisa
Bottom four : Simona, Nancy, Sarah, Jana
Eliminate : Simona and Jana
I expected a mess when I heard about the gender shoot, but I actually think it turned out really good! The results are nice, but I kind of think it's unfair since only half have to portray male and the "male" model perform better than the "female" model... The Spider shoot looks great and far better than MxNTM (LOL of course!) but the shoots kinda pretty average...
My call out order (Spider Photo Shoot) : Jolina, Nancy, Ivana, Stefanie, Sarah, Samantha, Nathalie, Anna, Karlin, Jana, Lisa, Betty, Aminata, Simona, Sainabou.

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