VNTM Cycle 4 6th Episode : Futurism Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : November 10, 2013

Photo Shoot : Futurism

Cha Mi
 Not best angle for her face but her body and pose looks better...

Dai Tran
I like Dai Tran's face it's really stunning! though it looks like he's shoving that neon in his ass...

Hang Nguyen
Body looks great, movement looks great and her profile looks gorgeous!

Kian Le
Another weak shot from him...

Kien Tran
Stunning! He looks so masculine and modelesque! my favorite photo from the guys! He so natural!

Quan Duong
It's awkward and too much to be honest...

Thanh Nguyen
Awkward pose...

Thu Dinh
She looks stunning!

Thuy Mau
She looks beautiful and elegant... she keeps getting better...

Trung Nguyen
Looks okay but unfortunately he looks short...

Viet Vu
Upper body part looks great, he looks masculine and fierce, his body looks so great but his lower body looks too feminine maybe because that leg position...

First call out : Viet vu
Call out order :
Bottom two : Kian Le & Kien Tran
Eliminated : Kien Tran :(

Interesting idea but executed not good... I think VNTM need to stop to create some high fashion photo shoot that they can't executed well... it makes them look cheap and far from couture shot! Well, again these photos prove that VNTM can ruin anything easily.So sad Kian Tran is the only male model that i think can take the crown but then he eliminated too early with amazing picture!! It's really bad elimination week for top model, first Josephine instead of Catrine from Denmark, Kristina instead Frida from Norway, Samy from Peru, then Xiao Ting from China and now Kien Tran... DAMN!!

My call out order : Kien Tran, Hang nguyen, Thuy Mau, Viet Vu, Dai Tran, Thu Dinh, Quan Duong, Trung Nguyen, Cha Mi, Thahn Nguyen & Kian Le (out).

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