PeNTM Cycle 1 9th Episode : 40's Couture Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : November 2, 2013

Photo Shoot : 40's Couture

 Great pose and amaing body but I don't really like how her face looks at that angle.

 Love her cheekbones but that make up make her face a bit draggy...

The close up is really nice but overall photo is weak...

She get best dress but hate her profile... face bit harsh and sharp chin make her even harsher...

Samy did the best by far... She keeps getting better and i remember how i don't like her as a model at first but after makeover she really modelesque!
Best Photo : Giordana
Call out order : Samy, Giordana, Laura
Bottom 2 : Johanna & Danea
Eliminated : Johanna
With the exception of contestants placed in the bottom two, the call-out in the competition is random. As the models are called forward, they learn whether or not they received best photo.
The girls doing well but why is the light so dark!? This could have potentially been their best shoot but the dark light ruins it. Finally Johanna get eliminated after mediocre photo weak after weak... I think Samy, Giordana and Danea are my choice for the winner at this moment... 
My call out order : Samy, Danea, Giordana, Laura & Johanna (out).

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