VNTM Cycle 4 5th Episode : Posing with the Ostrich Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : November 3, 2013

Photo Shoot : Posing with the Ostrich

Cha Mi
 weak face but her body looks good...

Dai Tran
He doing well and fierce face!

Hang Nguyen
Overall shot is really good but her face looks mediocre... She need to step up her game!

Kian Le

Kien Tran
Weak shot... His face looks awkward and not modelesque

Quan Duong
Dynamic pose and face!!

Thanh Nguyen

Thoa Pham
Interesting picture.. the ostrich legs look like belong to her! It's not that bad to be honest...

Thu Dinh
One of the better pic

Thuy Mau
 Actually this is one of the better picture if it's not because that legs position... really ruin the overall picture :(

Trung Nguyen
Stunning eyes!

Viet Vu
He doing really well

First call out : Quan Duong
Call out order : Thu D, Trung N, Dai T, Thuy M, Viet V, Thanh N, Hang N, Kien L, Cha Mi
Bottom two : Kien Trang & Thoa Pham
Eliminated : Thoa Pham

Interesting idea but executed not good... Only few models that doing well..I hoped that this week's shoot would be better base on the great outcome of last weak. Well, these photos prove that VNTM can ruin anything easily.

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