ChiNTM Cycle 4 7th Episode : Underwater Goddesses Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : November 16, 2013

After weird special episode 6 last week (This episode is a finale runway special where all 14 finalists are shown walking in the final runway show. Tyra Banks is also present at this final runway to help China's NTM's host and judges decide on the winner. No winner deliberation was shown and there was no elimination.) now we're back to the competition...

Photo Shoot : Underwater Goddesses

Hu Hwan
 For me this is her worst shots she has taken so far, the expression is blank and the body does not look good (probably because the dress covered it too much so it looks weird)

Li Qiao Dan
Face looks stunning and her body move really well... well done Qiao Dan...

Shi Xin Ling
Her face looks good but her body looks like being dumped straight into the ocean... dead body...

Wang Xiao Qian
Xiao Qian's body is not well-proportioned and looks squished... weakest photo in my opinion :(

Xie Shu Ya
Finally she delivered fco worthy photo! the face is absolutely stunning and her pose looks dramatic..

Yu An Qi
  She look the most in-control and elegant out of everyone. She looks like a mermaid who about to dive into the ocean. Magical and stunning.

Zhuo Chen Lan
 The angle made her body proportions look really weird, and her face looks drag... but it's still decent photo i guess...

First call out : Li Qiao Dan
Call out order : Zhuo Chen Lan, Hu Hwan, Wang Xiao Qian, Yu An Qi
Bottom two : Xie Shu Ya & Shi Xin Ling
Eliminated : Shi Xin Ling

Wow! China keep delivered! one of the best if not the best underwater-shots ever. But i don't get the call out order! how come An Qi's and Shu Ya's get bottom 3? they are the best and first call out worthy in my opinion! Shu Ya get bottom 2 because Judges didn't like her photo, she hid the dress and she also broke the rules of the show and used a mobile-phone at the house and Xin Ling get eliminated because Judges don't her attitude, She said that the photo is her testing shot and she wasn't happy about the photos chosen for judging for the past weeks to the judges... really happy they don't eliminate Shu Ya :)

My call out order : Yu An Qi, Xie Shu Ya, Li Qiao Dan, Zhuo Chen Lan, Hu Hwan, Shi Xin Ling (out based on her attitude) & Wang Xiao Qian

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