AsNTM Cycle 4 12th Episode : Top 3 Revealed!

Original Airdate : May 25, 2016

First call out : Patricia & Sang In
Bottom two : Julian & Tawan
Eliminated : Julian

Picking up from where the previous episode ended, it was revealed that Julian had the lowest combined scores and therefore was eliminated, while Patricia, Sang In and Tawan all advanced to the final three.

Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 4 - Top 3

No other elimination took place. Instead, the episode covered conversations of the girls with Kenneth and their journey to the final three. At the end of the episode, the finalists received another Cindy Mail, and before the girls could guess the meaning of the mail's content, guests suddenly entered the model house much to their excitement, although the guests weren't revealed until the next episode.


  1. Strongest top 3 I think. :) Good thing Julian is out. I love her but she's the weakest girl in top 4. I'm rooting for SANG IN to win this cycle. <3

    1. Same here... love the top 3 They all strong and beautiful in different kind way! Sang In must win!:p


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