AsNTM Cycle 4 10th Episode : Runway Ready for Tresemme Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : May 11, 2016

Photo Shoot : Runway Ready for Tresemme

Robbed! I think she looks gorgeous... and that one eye and her smirk make her photo look more spicy... 

Pretty and fresh but over rated by the judges...  Not that amazing...

Looks like she holding too much and lost energy but she looks stunning there... 

Sang In
Agreed with the judges... Strong body language but her face just not there... and her runway performance just really bad... she need to step up her game! 

Gorgeous! Imagine if she had long hair and better styling...

First call out : Julian
Call out order : Tawan, Patrica
Bottom two : Angie & Sang In
Eliminated : Angie :(

Another cheap sponsor shoot and that guy (the hair stylist) just ruin the overall photo... The girls perform well, all doing great and no one doing bad... I think the judges really over rated Julian, yes she's doing good but not that great and the gap between her and Tawan really wide... So sad that Angie left the competition, she has more potential, strong portfolio and memorable character...  

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