AsNTM Cycle 4 13th Episode : Avant Garde Fashion Finale Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : June 2, 2016

Finale Photo Shoot : Avant Garde Fashion


Sang In


It's okay photo shoot but i prefer the simple shot without that effect.. I feel like this shoot would have been a lot better if they kept it clean with just the plain studio background. The clothes are eye-catching enough and speak for themselves already. Tawan did really great, even she's struggling at the end her photo just amazing!

Top 3 : Patricia, Sang In & Tawan
and the winner is...

Asia's Next Top Model
Tawan Kedkong

Congrats to Tawan for winning! She's one of my preselect winner, honestly i thought and i want Sang In more because her feature is really unique, rare and hard to find... But Tawan is my second choice to win the competition... She has all the goods to be success in the modeling industry, beautiful, tall great body, young and modeling skill... The only thing she need is longer hair... LOL! Now i wish she find her way to catch international modeling industry and all other girls too... So once again congrats ms Tawan our little kitten!

1 comment :

  1. Yeah. Tawan is deserving winner. Although I was rooting for Sang In. :D Great cycle still! <3


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