CamNTM Cycle 1 15th Episode : Sovrin Cover Finale Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : March 27, 2015

Photo Shoot : Sovrin Magaine Cover

Overall the cover looks great but i think the outfit make her look 'too much'

She's doing the best... great face, great pose and love her skin tone contrast with her dress...

Kong Kar
I love her but sorry... she had the weakest cover... Need more life in her eyes...

Live Finale :
First Runway

Top 3 : 
Bodalis, Chankesey & Kong Kar

Eliminated :

 Finale Live Photo Shoot


Kong Kar

 Finale Runway


Kong Kar
Final 2

 Top 2 : Chankesey & Kong Kar
and the winner is...

Cambodia's Next Top Model
Chan Kong Kar

 Congrats to Kong Kar for Winning! so happy to see her winning! Finally she claim her throne after 1 month waiting... She's my pre-select to win this competition along with Soriyan and Samnang.. They are the most modelesque girls of the bunch... i wish they find success in their career.. Finally this show over with a bang! great cycle especially this is their first season, good cast, good drama, some great shot and really good winner.. Once again congrats Kong Kar!


  1. Cambodia's NTM is so amazing!!!! But, why i have the feeling that they copy Vietnam format because Vietnam also have the live finale and the live shoot, too!!!

  2. Yeah it's really amazing especially this is their first cycle... They had similar formats for the finale and i think it's great because we can see live how the models performance on the set... If i'm not wrong and i forgot what cycle is, but Germany's Next Top Model do the live finale and live shoot too... Correct me if i'm wrong :)

  3. Germany don't do the live shoot. They just only do the live finale


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