NorNTM Cycle 8 6th Episode : Maybelline Ad Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : October 21, 2013

Photo Shoot : Maybelline Ad

Amalie & Lovise
Amalie's stunning face! even though she is a tad bit too big... Lovise looks pretty but unsure and a bit frightened...

Marlen & Ayla
Not the best angle for Alya and her neck looks thick... Marlen so stunning! really gorgeous girl!

Kristina, Frida & Rachana
 Kristina looks nice & classic beauty, Frida looks bad... Rachana looks naturally gorgeous!

Ine & Ingebjorg
Ine looks deer in the headlight... Ingebjorg looks really pretty! Definition of beauty!

First call out : Ingebjorg (and she won the Ad!)
Call out order : Ine, Marlen, Kristina, Amalie, Lovise, Rachana
Bottom two : Ayla & Frida
Eliminated : Ayla
The girls doing well and its nice photo shoot but i wish they were solo shots and a bit closer up...  Ingebjorg, Marlen & Kristina for Top 3 please! they all in whole other level to other girls... and maybe Rachana can follow them at top 4... Mess call out for Ine in my opinion, her shot is weak and bottom 2 worthy... Ayla weak too but the worst is Frida in my opinion...
My call out order : Ingebjorg, Marlen, Kristina >>>>> Rachana, Amalie, Lovise, Ayla, Ine & Frida (out). 

1 comment :

  1. 1st Best Photo: Ingebjorg
    2nd Runner - Up For Best Photo: Ine
    3rd: Marlen
    4th: Rachana
    5th: Kristina
    6th: Amalie H
    7th: Ayla
    8th Bottom Two: Lovise
    9th Eliminated: Frida


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