NorNTM Cycle 8 5th Episode : Portraying Emotions During an Armageddon Photo Shoot

First Aired : October 14, 2013

Photo Shoot : Portraying Emotions During an Armageddon

 Body and pose looks good but not enough expression... 

Great body but face so scary! and the lighting in her face so bad makes her face look unshaped and puffy...

Awkward pose... weak photo...

I dont like her expression...

Looks crazy but at least she fill the brief...

Gorgeous face, expression and body... She's not forget to modelling...

Great picture... i wish we can see her body more... but it's lovely picture...

Awkward pose... weak shot...

Too much in my opinion but her pose looks great

Wow... she looks amazing, she don't need to looks crazy but i can feel her depression...

First call out : Kristina
Call out order : Ingebjorg, Marlen, Ine, Lovise, Rachana, Frida, Amalie
Bottom two : Celina & Ayla
Eliminated : Celina
i liked... maybe my favorite picture so far... But same with last week the quality could be better if they give more time (and money) to edit the final results... The girls doing well and i think it's right elimination...
My call out order : Ingebjorg, Kristina, Rachana, Marlen, Ine, Amalie, Frida, Lovise, Ayla & Celina (out).

1 comment :

  1. My Call - Out Order:
    1st Best Photo: Ingebjorg
    2nd Runner- Up For Best Photo: Ine
    3rd: Kristina
    4th: Rachana
    5th: Marlen
    6th: Amalie H
    7th: Ayla
    8th: Frida
    9th Bottom Two: Lovise
    10th Eliminated: Celina


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