ANTM Cycle 20 9th & 10th Episode : Flawsome with Zendaya and Shaun Ross Photo Shoot

Episode 9
Original Airdate: September 27, 2013

Clip show with "Behind the Scenes" footage including never before seen clips throughout the show like Phil's wildest activities inside the house (special segment called Phil-er), the visit of last cycle's winner Laura James, Nina's hula hoop performance, Don and Alexandra's intimate relationship, Chris H.'s beauty tips and kissing lessons, Renee's tears of joy during the makeover, Marvin and Phil's reenactment of the judges, the mysterious insect they found in the house, the prank of the girls to the guys as a revenge, the visit of the psychologist where Jourdan became emotional, the game "Truth, Tooch or Dare" where Jeremy and Jiana shared a kiss, and the "The Top Ten Flirty Moments" on the cycle.

Episode 10
Original Airdate: October 4, 2013

Akhirnya setelah 2 minggu menunggu siapa model pria yang bakal balik ke kompetisi terjawab sudah, Jeremy dengan skor social media tertinggi berhasil kembali menjadi finalist ANTM 20. Dengan kata lain, bye bye buat peserta lain yang udah tereliminasi... 

Former best buds Nina and Chris H. are starting to drift apart, Chris H yang berhasil mendapat privilage tidur di Tyra Suite dan Guess closet mengajak Alexandra ketimbang Nina. Menurut Nina sih jarak diantara mereka adalah hal yang bagus agar dia bisa lebih berkonsentrasi pada kompetisi... Too bad the look on her face says something completely different...

Alexandra is happy to be back, but she feels the pressure is even greater now. Ternyata Alex memiliki kelainan pada jantungnya dimana bisa menyebabkan kurangnya oksigen ke otak dan ia takut kondisi ini akan mempengaruhi performance nya dalam photo shoot. The fact that it's just now being brought up, is a good indicator that this medical problem is going go be an issue for her later.  

Jourdan's not thrilled to see either Alexandra or Jeremy return. Dya malah terganggu dengan kembalinya Jeremy. Tapi kali ini dya ga sendiri dalam hubungan love/hate antara mereka, karena Jeremy mengakui juga merasa sudah capek dengan Jourdan dan semua itu sudah berlalu... Unless, he's just saying he's over it to try and save face (LOL)!  

Challenge : QUAFF Commercial Test

Minggu ini para model ditantang untuk act dalam sebuah commercial produk minuman QUAFF. Sebenernya ini bukan test commercial beneran karena sutradaranya sendiri diperankan oleh Reggie Watts (comedian/singer), namun Kelly ingin melihat sejauh mana para model bisa commit terhadap pekerjaan mereka dan melakukan apa saja yang diminta oleh sutradara.
It never fails that at least one competition or photo shoot forces a model to reveal and or try to conquer some phobia or fear. This time it's Renee, who has a problem dealing with "things in suit or disguised as something else." So, let's just say that college football games and Disneyland are out for this girl.

Kelly akhirnya memberi tahu bahwa test ini hanya boongan pada akhir tantangan. Tapi dya tetap menilai mereka dalam 3 sisi, 1) sejauh mana mereka bisa commit, 2) bagaimana profesionalitas mereka dan yang ke 3) sejauh mana mereka believable.  

Challenge Winner : Jourdan
Alex and Jourdan were singled out for their performances, with Jourdan ultimately crowned as the winner.

Sesampai di rumah, Chris yang bete karena hanya mendapat skor 6 dalam challenge meluapkan kemarahannya pada Renee karena tidak mencuci piring yang akan digunakan olehnya. He decides to leave the dishes on the counter with a note requesting that Renee clean up her act. Dan Renee yang merasa tersinggung balik marah ke Chris dan ga akan mencuci piring-piring nya. He calls her nasty, she says he has a nasty heart, mind and soul and says nobody likes him.

A few of the models, think Renee's reaction goes way above and beyond what Chris H. deserves. Jourdan takes Renee's side, and Jeremy tries to take her out with a pretty low blow. Pretty soon it becomes a full on battle of the sexes. Setelah sudah agak mereda Jourdan akhirnya meminta maaf karena sudah meledak dan diikuti oleh lainnya kecuali Renee yang walaupun ia sadar sudah verbally abusive kepada Chris tapi tidak menyesal karena ia standing up untuk dirinya sendiri.

Photo Shoot : Flawsome with Zendaya and Shaun Ross
Each of the models is given an awesome flaw, and it's their job to make it look good. Think Cindy Crawford and her mole. The models pose with special guest and super freaky looking male supermodel Shaun Ross, who happens to have the awesome flaw of being an albino and  endaya who's a big deal on The Disney Channel.

Wide hip - She struggling and it shows on her picture... Weak face bad pose etc...

Chris H.
Gap Tooth - He looks good as always but that's it...

Widow's peak - he looks too tense but nothing wow in my opinion...

Skinny Legs - He looks small and short but nice face...

Duck Lips - He just resting on his beautiful face...

Unibrow - She struggle and need to more relax...

Mole - The best look he ever get in my opinion.. but same with Jeremy resting on pretty

Big Eyes - The one that succed the brief... she looks great and embracing her flaws...

Five Head - Beautiful face and she really standout... 

Before the judges deliberate, Alexandra feels so dizzy, she's forced to excuse herself. Alexandra swears this episode has nothing to do with panel. She says she's had a rapid heart rate for over a year. One would think this type of issue could be treated and monitored fairly easily. She says the last time she felt this poorly, she was hospitalized for over a week.  Alexandra is too sick to return to panel.

First call out : Nina

Call out order : Don, Renee, Jourdan, Cory, Jeremy, Marvin

Bottom Two : Chris H. & Alexandra

Eliminated : Alexandra

And then they off to Bali!!

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