VNTM Cycle 6 3rd Episode : Rock Climbing Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : August 16, 2015

Photo Shoot : Rock Climbing

Anh Tu
It's third call out?? Not deserving at all... Looks too much, overposed, no neck and no fashion at all... He's tall but always looks short... even shorter than the girls...  

Anh Vu
Deserving higher place... looks decent.. Really under rated... 

Duc Thanh
He's doing great 2 weeks in a row but i don't think he's the best this week...  

Hen Nie
Looking good but nothing special i guess... 

Hai Dang
That face ruin it and he looks short... 

Hong Van
She's doing great! 

Hoang Xuan
She's doing good but face could've been better though... 

Huong Ly
Really great face! She need to take risk though... 

He take risk and looks really great... until you see his face... SCARY! LOL! 

Kim Phuong
I think this is one of my favorite this week... Her face just stunning and scream fashion! I wish she control her leg better though... 

Thanh An
I like it! Love his intense eye and body! 

Thi Hop
One of the weakest... Her face just clueless... blank stare... 

Thi Thu
Face looks great but nothing really catch me...

First call out : Duc Thanh
Call out order : Hong Xuan, Anh Tu, Hen Nie, Huong Ly, Thanh An, Hong Van, Hai Dang, Kim Phuong, K'Broi
Bottom three : Thi Thu, Anh Van & Thi Hop
Eliminated : Thi Hop (originally eliminated from the competition but was saved)

The photo shoot looks good but only few models that perform great this week... And the call out order was a mess, i mean how come Anh Tu get that place?? I think he deserve bottom three with Thi Hop and K'Broi... And I really dislike when they get no elimination when still really many of them... Thi Hop sure is one of the weakest but maybe her personality make the judges saved her for some drama...  

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