INTM Cycle 1 5th Episode : Outrageous Hairdos in Restricted Spaces Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : August 16, 2015

Photo Shoot : Outrageous Hairdos in Restricted Spaces

Broken Down Dolls - She's fit the theme but i think Rushali doing it better...

Regal Queen of the Desert - She looks beautiful but not fit the theme... She can do better

Regal Queen of the Desert - She looks gorgeous! That cheekbone! It's her best angles for her bone structure...

Dark Enchanted Forest - She doesn't look scared but that face just stunning! She has the best face this cycle...

Dark Enchanted Forest - Fit the brief better than Gloria but looks weak compare to other girls

Regal Queen of the Desert - i like her confidence...

Broken Down Dolls - She looks the most whimsical... 

First call out : Rushali
Call out order : Aditi, Gloria, Danielle, Malvika
Bottom two : Anam & Monica
Eliminated : None

The shoot is a bit strange but really refreshing concept.. And most of the girls doing well this week.. They all are really beautiful!! Beauty shot are they strength... Thank god there's no elimination because I still want to see Anam in the competition...  

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