Holland's Next Top Model Back In August 2015!

Holland's Next Top Model (HNTM) kembali ke layar TV dengan cycle ke-8 pada 31 Agustus 2015 ini dan ditayangkan oleh channel RTL5. HNTM merupakan salah satu show Next Top Model Show franchise yang terbilang sukses dengan menemukan calon-calon top model berbakat dan photo-photo yang stunning, namun sayang setelah cycle 5 sepertinya kualitas HNTM semakin menurun mulai dari photo shoot yang kurang menginspirasi, makeover yang gagal total sampai pemenang yang kurang tepat (in my opinion). Setelah kemenangan Nikky Opheij tahun lalu, HNTM akan kembali mencari bakat-bakat baru dalam dunia modeling dan mengharapkan menemukan kisah sukses seperti yang sebelumnya pernah dirasakan oleh Patricia Van Der Vliet dari cycle 3 ataupun Tamara Weijenberg pada cycle 5. Sayang sekali sampai saat ini belum ada lagi penerus yang mampu setidaknya menyamai kesuksesan mereka.

HNTM Cycle 8 Cast

HNTM sendiri menggunakan format standar ANTM, yaitu setiap minggu nya bakal ada satu peserta tereliminasi namun untuk season finale, HNTM menggunakan format live seperti format yang digunakan oleh AusNTM. The three remaining contestants compete in a runway show in front of the judges and a live audience. After the runway show, the judges and the public voters may vote on their favourite contestant and the results will declare a winner.

HNTM 7 Judges : May-Britt Mobach, Anouk Smulders & Dirk Kikstra

Sama seperti cycle 7 sebelumnya, Anouk Smoulders kembali menjadi host serta judge dan ditemani oleh new judges, May-Britt Mobach - Editor-in-chief of dan juga oleh Fashion Photographer, Dirk Kikstra. Baru saja website resmi HNTM merilis 12 finalis yang akan berkompetisi. Dan inilah mereka!

Amy Van Hattem

I just love her look, she's so interesting... Really want to see her in motion...

Celine Koningstein

She's looking mature compare to other girls.. And not to fond with her look after see the promotional commercial.. but i think she's gonna photograph good...

Demi Leussink

Great face but that makeover ruin her look... She was way better with longer hair... I think she has tons potential!

Fleurine Van Dalen

Her face looks really rough and masculine.. And not in a good way... Remind me of Coryn from ANTM Cycle 5.. Hopefulyy early out...

Jackie Hendrix

She has amazing face and i think she's gonna produce stellar photo with that face but her body looks really thick... She may be a strong contender...

Laurie Kruitbosch

She's the wildcard?? After Daelorian and Sanne she's really bland and pedestrian...

Lisa Kapper

She's cute and really want to she her journey in the competition... Blank canvas type but tons potential... A bit puffy though..

Loiza Lammers

Striking face with strong jawline... I think she's the bold character one... And she's a transgender!

Mandy Fiege

Amazing face! And so sexy! Really sexy! She will be fit for glamour modelling and do some swimsuit runway! And i can see some editorial potential too...

Rachel Swaab

Love her! Stunning face and great body! She's ready!

Sterre Groot
Another favorite! She's a modelesque Anna Hathaway! With lots of train she's gonna big...

Yara Fay
Need to see her more.. Interesting face!

Overall the cast looks good but weaker than last cycle in my opinion... Yah sejak Tamara menang dan menjadi salah satu alumnus Next Top Model franchise yang sukses, ekspektasi fans terhadap HNTM menjadi sangat tinggi...Hopefully they produce stellar photo and note the judges... please don't get wrong winner again!

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