ChiNTM Cycle 5 4th Episode : Lookbook for I'Am Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : June 11, 2015

Photo Shoot : Lookbook for I'Am

Hao Ting
Face looks good but he just falling.. He didn't know to find his balance in his body... 

Li Xue
She looks great but other models perform better.. 

Ling Yun
great energy but he forgot that this is a fashion photo shoot... And we can't see his face.. 

Ren Chuan
He looks great!! He keep doing better 

Si Jia
Bow down!! Here comes the queen! She looks Stunning! Really strong! 

Si Qi
Great dynamic pose and energy!! I think she has better photo because she looks really great in the set... 

Tian Long
Finally the rid his hideous weave! And now he looks really great! He performs well and i think his photo is my favorite from the guys this week... 

Wang Meng
Looks really weird? face looks good but her body proportion looks weird.. One of the weakest.. 

Xian Xia
Wow! my second favorite.. She impressed me how she managed to look graceful while falling down... 

Yi Chen
Simple but he shows his outfit really well 

Zhen Zhen
hot mess! LOL 

Zhuo Nun
He doing good.. With his dancer background he can control his body really well...

First call out : Si Jia
Call out order : Xian Xia, Si Qi, Yi Chen, Zhuo Nun, Ren Chuan, Li Xue, Hao Ting, Tian Long, Wang Meng
Bottom two : Zhen Zhen & Ling Yun

Eliminated : Zhen Zhen

Usually i'm not fond with jumping photo shoot but actually i like this one... The jumping make the lookbook photo shoot looks more interesting, because usually the models just standing in front of the white back ground... Also the set looks funky, photo quality is great and the main thing is the models performance really well this week! 4 weeks in a row and China doing great again.. The photo shoot looks great and they really much creative and variety between them.. keep up the good job China! 

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