AusNTM Cycle 9 7th Episode : Fight Club with Alyssa Sutherland Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : June 11, 2015

Photo Shoot : Fight Club with Alyssa Sutherland

First call out

 I think she's doing poor... She got the emotion but not look modelesque.. looks more like a teen drama soap...

Call out order


Stunning! So serene yet so sexy at the same time... She's intimidate Alyssa! It looks like a legit campaign!

Her cheekbones looks stunning! Actually more like dancing than in a fighting...

Resting on her pretty... It's decent but one of the weakest photo there...She need to step up her game...

Bottom two

She's the only one that really goes for it! Her face looks stunning and her pose look awkward yet so alienesque... High fashion! It's campaign worthy!


Her face looks fierce as always but she's doing bad this week... Unfortunate photo...

So sad that Jordan get eliminated... Yeah i see it coming and her photo is eliminated worthy but she had strong portfolio, really underated by the judges... Jess deserve the first call out (beside Lauren) but same with Jordan, she underated by the judges and i can see her got the boot in one or two episodes :( After 7 weeks, Lucy keep doing weak and her portfolio was one of the weakest there.. But yeah the judges love her so i think she's gonna placed really far (but please don't win)...

My call out order : Jessica, Lauren, Alex, Brittany, Jordan & Lucy (out)  

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