ChiNTM Cycle 5 3rd Episode : Beauty Shot with Flower & Makeover

Original Airdate : June 4, 2015

Photo Shoot : Beauty Shot with Flower

Hao Ting
Amazing! Love his pose and his face looks so gorgeous here...

Li Xue
A bit bland but she looks very beautiful...

Ling Yun
A bit stiff  and need more life but still decent though...

Meng Ting
Her face looks really young and fresh! Maybe not great but still not the weakest there!

Ren Chuan
Stunning... Looks like an art pieces... Maybe this one of the best photo this year in NTM show...

Si Jia
Expected a little more but her photo just amazing!

Si Qi
Looks like a porcellain doll it's just timeless and effortless beauty

Tian Long
Oh my god! his makeover really ruin his look.. from modelesque guy to a skater boy :( but still he manage to take a great photo!

Wang Meng
Nice profile...

Xian Xia
Gorgeous! Her high fashion appeal really strong and with more learning she could've big someday...

Yi Chen
Maybe he rest in his pretty face but damn he looks so sexy and warm hearted at the same time!

Zhen Zhen
Look so cute!! Like her innocent face here...

Zhuo Nun
Love his photo! Maybe his not the most modelesque there but he got real talent!!

Makeover Photo Shoot

Hao Ting
Shaved both side of his hair

Li Xue
Dyed black hair and add natural wave

Ling Yun
Shaved head and dyed jewel blue

Meng Ting
Cut and Dye Red

Ren Chuan
Bleach platinum blonde

Si Jia
Shaved side hair and shortened

Si Qi
Bangs added and shortened, dyed pink hair

Tian Long
Add weave

Wang Meng
Short pixie and dyed blue black hair

Xian Xia
Lighten brows and hair center part

Yi Chen
Military shave head

Zhen Zhen
Bangs shortened and add weave at the back of her hair

Zhuo Nun
Dyed dark brown

First call out : Xian Xia
Call out order : Ren Chuan, Si Jia, Li Xue, Yi Chen, Hao Ting, Zhuo Nun, Tian Long, Wang Meng, Ling Yun, Si Qi
Bottom three :Zhen Zhen & Meng Ting
Eliminated : Meng Ting

Great photo shoot!!! One of the best beauty shoots ever done on a NTM show! All the component works well.. The styling, the make up, lighting, color and  the main thing is models performance... Absolutely stunning and strong performance and not a single bad shot! even the weak links are strong in their own ways here.. Keep up the amazing job ChiNTM!


  1. Adakah link untuk menonton CNTM ?
    Menginkan untuk mrnontonya karna di internet tdk ada linknya

  2. Thank you for your information,
    Tetap senang dan terus Update Official Photoshoot NTM Around thr World yah :-)

  3. @kent fedro - Ini link untuk ChiNTM, hopefully it works :)

  4. Terima kasih untuk link CNTMnya, akan dicoba Akses @cipcipweebee and Keep Fighting to a Amazing Blog NTM :)

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