GNTM Cycle 10 14th Episode : Semi-Final (Das Halbfinale)

Original Airdate : May 10, 2015

In contrast to previous cycles, the semi-final episode is a small scale live-on-tape show set in an old church. Heidi and the judges present this week's episode in segments, intertwined with live-show style interviews and sentiments from friends and family. The episode's first job is the cover shoot for Cosmopolitan magazine, followed by a challenge where each girl has to act in a New York street scene for Maybelline. Vanessa wins this job and shoots a campaign for the brand. Flying over to Paris, the girls compete again, this time for participation in Wolfgang Joop's Wunderkind runway show. Vanessa wins. The episode closes with a live walk in front of the jury, much critique for Darya and the reveal of four girls entering the finale. (wikipedia)

Cover Shoot for Cosmopolitan Magazine

New York Street Scene for Maybelline

Wolfgang Joop's Wunderkind Runway Show

Live Walk in Front of the Jury

Top 5

Top 5 : Anuthida, Ajsa, Vanessa, Katharina & Darya
Eliminated : Darya

And here's our Top 4!!

Wow such a strong top 4, i think it's kinda hard to beat this top 4 in a while... Thank god it's not a top 3 like last cycle because i love all the girls in top 4.. They all had the look and what it takes... Strong portfolio, unique look, modeling ability, great body (Vanessa still need tone up a bit though) and great character.. They all had big chance to win the competition and i don't really care who got this title...

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