AusNTM Cycle 9 1st Episode : Simplistic B&W Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : April 30, 2015

Photo Shoot : Simplistic B&W

First call out

She looks matured compare to other girl but her face just really stunning!! The eyes looks so sexy but still women magaine image! Her wonky nostrils bit bother me though...

Call out order

Gorgeous! I love this picture because it brings different image compare to other girls.. It's edgy, fierce and haunting! Her cheekbone killing me! Really strong contender!

Her face just perfection! This is my favorite shot this week! 

Nice smile! It's warm and inviting! Her skin looks beautiful!

A bit actressy but still gorgeous shot!


 Hand looks stiff but other than that it's just gorgeous! I like her elfish look!

Cute and believable smile, but i wish they choose other photo...

Not her best... Wrong angle for her face, that make her cheeks looks flabby... I believe she had better photos.. She looks stunning on the set..

Intense piercing eyes! Wish she relax her lips though...

A bit basic pose but undeniably beautiful face...

Bottom two

She looks really beautiful and angelic but i'm sorry she looks boring.. She look uninspiring on the set, she need to show some enthusiasm!


 She looks better in motion... Weak performance girl...

This season, the girls are called forward at judging in random order to receive their scores from the judges. If they place above the line of safety on the leader board, they receive their photo and are safe from elimination. The call-out is thus not indicative of their actual performance.

Such a stunning cast!! They all look really gorgeous and no one a filler in my opinion.. Not really diversity cast but each model has their unique feature... First episode looks great and the models performance kinda impress me, they doing really good... Interesting to see real supermodel like Alessandra Ambressio as a guest judge, it's really elevated the level and how the modeling industry see AusNTM in the fashion industry's map... AusNTM back to their game!!  it Kinda sad to see Kaitlyn go.. Yeah she has tons potential but i think she not ready yet, need to take her time to bloom...

My call out order : Izi, Alex, Brittany, Ayieda, Jess, Phoebe, Tanahya, Jordan, Lucy, Lauren, Cassie & Kaitlyn (out) 


  1. Suka banget sama AusNTM season kali ini. Mereka terlihat serius memilih kontestan. Tema photoshoot juga kelihatannya bakal high fashion banget kalau dilihat di cuplikan edisi perdana kemarin. Editingnya juga keren, banyak slow-motion jadi kayak promo iklan.

  2. Setuju!! Mudah2an cycle 9 ini ga flop kayak cycle sebelumnya yaa.. Menurut gw yang kurang dari premiere episode kemarin adalah terlalu fokus hanya ke beberapa model saja, seperti Brittany, Alex n Ayieda.. Mungkin lebih bagus kalo model lain juga diberi porsi walopun cuma introduction biar fans lebih kenal dengan seluruh peserta...


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