PNTM Cycle 6 7th Episode : Make Love Not War Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : October 18, 2016

Sasza was eliminated at casting challenge with Avant Model owner and therefore not participate in the photo shoot..

Photo Shoot :  Make Love Not War

Adam & Daniel

Ewa & Mateusz M

Kamila & Patryk

Mateusz Z & Ada

Natalia & Daria


First call out : Ewa & Mateusz M
Call out order : Adam, Daniel, Patryk, Ada, Natalia & Daria
Bottom three : Kamila, Ola & Mateusz Z
Eliminated : Ola

I like the photo shoot! Ewa and Mateusz M own this shot... they look great together and it looks like a legit campaign that you can see in a magazine... Adam did great too.. Others doing weak, Mateusz Z and Ada's shot look the worst... It's just bad and laughable...


  1. Wow! Poland'sNTM is rocking every fashion editorial shoots. That's a living proof that they are the best co-ed cycle in the whole franchise. <3

  2. Cipcipweebee, where do u watch this? Is it subtitled? Cause I really want to watch this show with subtitle so baddd. If so, can I have that link?


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